Medication Information for Parents/Guardians
When medication is necessary during school hours we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines. Please call your child’s health office if you have any questions and need further clarification.
A. All prescription and non-prescription medications taken at school require a health care provider’s order and a parent/guardian’s permission on file in the health record.
B. Students may self-carry and self-administer medications only if the following conditions have been satisfied:
- The medication permission form (available in the health office or on the website) is signed by the health care provider and parent/guardian, and is on file in the health office. The completed form must have an attestation from the health care provider stating both the diagnosis and that the student has demonstrated he/she can effectively self-carry and self-administer the medication.
- The school nurse will assess the student to be responsible before allowing a medication to be self-carried.
- Self-carry orders may include inhalers, epi-pens, and diabetic supplies. Independent students with other health conditions warranting timely administration of their medications may also be permitted to self-carry and self-administer their medication to prevent negative health outcomes.
- If a self-carry medication is lost, left unattended, shared with another individual, or if there is a failure to follow school rules, the privilege of self-carrying medication will be rescinded.
- A back up of emergency medication or supplies should be stored at the health office.
C. Students may not transport medication on the bus to or from school unless a self-carry order is in place.
D. All medication must be delivered directly to the school in a properly labeled original container by an adult. Prescription medications must be in their original prescription bottle. The information on the prescription label must match the current medication order on file for the student. When a controlled medication is brought in by an adult, the nurse and the parent/guardian will count the number of pills together and note this on the medication sheet.
E. All medication maintained within our schools will be kept in a locked and secure place. This means if your child has been granted permission to self-carry and self-administer medicine, their supply must be locked in their lockers, kept on their person, or handed to an adult or to the health office for safe-keeping when either of the above cannot be assured. Please educate your child.
F. For medications administered in school, please have the pharmacist provide two properly labeled containers. The second bottle is needed for field trips. If your child uses an inhaler at school, please have the pharmacist label the inhaler itself, not just the box.
G. At the end of the school year, or if a medication is discontinued the parent/guardian must pick up all unused medication. If it is not picked up after one (1) month, the medication will be properly disposed of by the school. If a parent/guardian requests in writing that a medication be discontinued before the school receives a health care provider’s order to discontinue, the health care provider will be notified by the school of the parent/guardian’s discontinuation of the order.
H. The District may intervene, confiscate the medication, and discipline a student for any in-school use of any medication that does not have a current order and signed parent permission on file.
Thank you for your cooperation and support.