canandaigua city school district

Dignity for All Students Act

Initial, oral reports may be made to ANY adult in the building. Do Not Wait!

Dignity for All Students Coordinators for Canandaigua schools:
Sarah Callahan - District Coordinator - 396-3948


Michelle Reynolds - UPK - 2 Coordinator - 396-3900


Lindsay Lazenby - 3-5 Coordinator: 396-3900


Theron ChinN - Middle School Coordinator: 396-3850


Eric Jordan - Academy Coordinator: 396-3800

In 2010, the New York State Legislature and Governor David Patterson approved the Dignity for All Students Act to create a learning environment free of discrimination and harassment for all students. A statewide task force developed guidelines, with each school district developing its program for implementation on July 1, 2012.

The Canandaigua City School District, long a leader in character education, has adapted many of its existing anti-bullying and character education initiatives into its mandated Dignity for All Students Act implementation plan.

The purpose is to ensure that all students attending Canandaigua schools are in a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying whether in the classroom, on school property, on a school bus and/or at a school function.

Character, Citizenship, and Civility Instruction:
At the Primary-Elementary School

Responsive Classroom -The Leader in Me - Solution-focused approach

At the Middle School

Advisory Character Lessons

Dignity Act Student Presentation

The Dignity for All Students Act....

prohibits acts of harassment and bullying, including cyberbullying and/or discrimination, by employees or students on school property or at a school function, including but not limited to such conduct as those based on a student’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (defined to include gender identity or expression) or sex (Education Law §12[1]). Cyberbullying is defined as harassment or bullying which takes place through any form of electronic communication (Education Law §11[8]).