District Departments
- Business Office
- Facilities and Operations
- Food Services
- Human Resources
- Instruction
- Professional Learning
- Public Relations
- Special Programs
- Technology
- Transportation
Business Office
The role of the Business Office is to provide support services to our educational programs. We are responsible for all the financial data and reporting for the District. We develop and monitor the budget and revenues, administer payroll and benefits for both employees and retirees. We are responsible for the purchasing of all the goods and services utilized throughout the District.
Our goal is to provide the most efficient and economical service to both our students and the community. The Business Office includes Payroll, Purchasing and Accounts Payable. Other departments that report to the Assistant Superintendent for Business are Transportation, Buildings and Grounds and Food Services.
Matt Fitch
Assistant Superintendent for Business
(585) 396-3700
Audit Reports
Previous Years Audits
2019-2020 Annual Statement - PDF
2019-2020 Management Letter - PDF
2018-2019 Annual Statement - PDFHTML
2018-2019 Letter Attachments - Communications PDFManagement PDF
2017-2018 Annual Statement - PDF
2016-2017 Annual Statement - pdf HTML
2015-2016 Annual Statement - pdf
2014-2015 Annual Statement - pdf
2013-2014 Annual Statement - pdf
2012-2013 Annual Statement - pdf
2022-2023 Basic Financial Statement-RA23 PDF
2022-2023 Letter of Communication-SAS23 PDF
2022-2023 Management Letter-MGLT23 PDF
2022-2023 OSC Audit-Procurement PDF CCSD Response
2021-22 Basic Financial Statements (RA22) PDF ADA version
2021-22 Management Letter (MGLT22) PDF
2021-22 Letter of Communication (SAS22) PDF
Financial Reports
Cullen Spencer
Diane Rocca
Accounts Payable
Jeffrey Sabin
Linda Eames
Benefits Specialist
Paula Santee
Employee Relations Assistant - Payroll
Coletta Perkins
Employee Relations Assistant - Payroll
Facilities and Operations
Canandaigua City School District
Operations Department
5500 Airport Road
Canandaigua, NY 14424
(585) 396-3745
The office of Facilities & Operations (also known as Buildings & Grounds) is located in the District Operations Center on 5500 Airport Road in the Town of Canandaigua.
The Director of Facilities & Operations oversees several support staff components: Custodial, Building Maintenance, Grounds Maintenance, Clerical and Mail Courier.
The mission of custodial & maintenance is to provide a safe, sanitary and attractive environment for our students, staff and the public alike.
Michael McClain
Director of Facilities & Operations

Fire Inspections
Notice is hereby given of the annual inspection of all support facilities and school buildings of the Canandaigua City School District for fire hazards which might endanger the lives of students, teachers, employees therein, will be completed at a date suitable to the Canandaigua Fire Department. Reports on results of annual fire inspections are available at the District Office of the Canandaigua City School District at 143 N. Pearl Street, Canandaigua, NY for inspection by all interested parties.
In compliance with federal law, all Canandaigua facilities have been inspected for asbestos-containing materials. The District's AHERA (asbestos) management plan is continually updated to insure the continued safe environment of students and employees. The school district maintains the management plan and it is available for review at the Central Administration Office, 143 N. Pearl Street, upon request.
The use of the weed control pesticide commonly referred to as "weed & feed" is not allowed to be applied to our athletic fields or general campus grass areas. This is a policy that the Board of Education adopted in August of 2006. However, pesticide applications for the purpose of insect control may be used within our school facilities throughout the school year. These applications are performed by a private pest control firm under contract with the school district. NY State law provides that parents and staff may request to receive 48 hours advance written notice of pesticide applications by registering with the Office of Facilities & Operations, 5500 Airport Road in the Town of Canandaigua, (585) 396-3745; Mr. Michael McClain, Director.
Water Testing
Food Services
Geoff Fasy
Director of Food Service
Meal Charge Policy
I. Purpose
The goal of the Canandaigua City School District is to provide student access to nutritious no- or low-cost meals each school day.
However, unpaid charges place a large financial burden on our school. The purpose of this policy is to insure compliance with federal requirements for the USDA Child Nutrition Program, and to provide oversight and accountability for the collection of outstanding student meal balances.
The intent of this policy is to establish procedures to address unpaid meal charges throughout the Canandaigua City School District. The provisions of this policy pertain to regular priced school breakfast and lunch meals only. The Canandaigua City School District provides this policy as a courtesy to those students in the event that they forget or lose their lunch money. Charging of items outside of the reimbursable meals (a la carte items, adult meals, etc.) is expressly prohibited.
II. Policy
Free Meal Benefit - Free eligible students will be allowed to receive a free breakfast and lunch each day. A la carte purchases must be paid/prepaid.
Reduced Meal Benefit - Reduced eligible students will be allowed to receive a breakfast and lunch meal of their choice at no charge. Ala carte items or other similar items must be paid/prepaid.
Full Pay Students – Students will pay for meals at the school’s published paid meal rate each day. If a student is without meal money on a consistent basis, the administration will investigate the situation more closely and take further action as needed. If financial hardship exists, parents and families are encouraged to apply for free or reduced price lunches for their child if applicable. A student will be allowed to charge meals to their account after the balance reaches zero. The charge meals offered to students will be reimbursable meals that are available to all students. A la carte purchases must be paid/prepaid.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for meal payment to the food service program. Discreet notices of low or deficit balances will be sent to parents/guardians at regular intervals during the school year.
Students/Parents/Guardians may pay for meals in advance via www.myschoolbucks.com or with a check payable to Canandaigua City School District.
Funds should be maintained in accounts to minimize the possibility that a child may be without meal money on any given day. Any remaining funds for a particular student may/will be carried over to the next school year.
Refunds for withdrawn, and graduating students: a written or e-mailed request for a refund of any money remaining in their account must be submitted. Students who are graduating at the end of the year will be given the option to transfer to a sibling’s account with a written request.
Unclaimed Funds must be requested within one school year. Unclaimed funds will then become the property of the Canandaigua City School District Food Service Program.
Balances Owed: collection of owed balances will follow the policies and procedures set by the school.
If a student is without meal money on a consistent basis, the administration will investigate the situation more closely and take further action as needed. If financial hardship exists, parents and families are encouraged to apply for free or reduced price lunches for their child if applicable.
The schools provide the opportunity for a nutritious breakfast and lunch for each child every school day. On a typical school day, breakfast and lunch are served to over 2000 students, faculty and staff. Monthly menus are available below and are published in building newsletters.
- We offer an online prepayment program that makes prepayments for your child's meals efficient and convenient.
- Specialty salads in both the Middle School and Canandaigua Academy that have promoted the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Catering available both in-district and for the Canandaigua area community.
- The cafeteria staff take great precautions to accommodate children with allergies.
Human Resources
The Canandaigua City School District Office of Personnel and Support Services is here to help you with many aspects of your employment, and to answer questions you may have regarding employment opportunities. Below you will find a link to current employment openings with the District.
Brian Nolan
Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Support Services
(585) 396-3720
Lisa Brunelli
Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Support Services
Aline Clement
Employee Relations
Curriculum is the vehicle by which we facilitate student learning. It reflects a comprehensive common K-12 understanding of essential learning, appropriate resources, assured common assessments, and district learning outcomes. It serves as the foundation from which teachers develop lessons that will empower students to actively construct knowledge and attain desired outcomes.
Knowledge of curriculum allows for administrative oversight of district, grade-level, and course goals; and administrative involvement in curriculum development supports teacher work, hence student learning. Parents’ ability to support student learning is enhanced by access to curriculum overviews.
Matt Schrage
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction
(585) 396-3700
Sarah Callahan
Director of Professional Learning & Data Coordination
Kristin Williamson
Director of UPK-K Instruction
Vern Tenney
Coordinator of Support Services

Jean MacKenzie
Director of Student Intervention
Diane Kemp
Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction
Professional Learning
Professional Development is the act of developing or enhancing an individual’s skills, knowledge, and expertise as an educator. The purpose of Professional Development is to generate a meaningful spark that will inspire the investigation and application of new ideas and concepts.
The Canandaigua City School District Office of Professional Development and the associated committee will emphasize the proposal of opportunities that ultimately foster collaboration among colleagues and support the instructional goals of the district Plan for Excellence.
Sarah Callahan
Director of Professional Learning & Data Coordination
Public Relations
The Office of Communications is responsible for District media relations, the District website and Facebook site, District publications such as the Digest newsletter and annual Calendar, public presentations and communication on District issues, elements of community partnerships with both non-profit and business entities, alumni relations, and communications with people interested in moving into the school district from other areas of the state and country.
Please contact the Office of Communications at any time with comments, suggestions, concerns or questions. We welcome your input and appreciate your support!
Caroline Chapman
Director of Athletics & Communications
Special Programs
All of our students are members of the Canandaigua City School District's community of learners. Working as partners with families, we provide programs, supports and services that provide children the benefit of education in the least restrictive appropriate environment.
Special education programs and services support the academic, social-emotional and physical development of students with educational disabilities in environments that meet the individual needs of learners. Services may occur in home and preschool settings, in district public and non-public schools, in BOCES and approved private schools and in community-based education.
Special education is part of the fabric of the Canandaigua school community. Principals, regular and special education teachers, art, music, PE and technology teachers, nurses, psychologists, counselors, social workers, prevention specialists, speech therapists, occupational and physical therapists, teachers of the deaf and hearing impaired, community-based vocational education specialists, teacher aides, transportation staff, food services staff and buildings and grounds staff --all play an important role in ensuring that students with special needs are able to participate in the life of the school.
We welcome your calls, comments and questions as we seek to ensure that all students with disabilities, from age 3 to 21, receive a free, appropriate, public education
Tonya Russell
Director of Special Programs
Parent Placed, Grades 3-5 including multi-aged classrooms
Dennis DesRosiers
Assistant Director of Special Programs
Preschool (age 3-5) and Grades K-2 including multi-aged classrooms
Rachael Schading
Assistant Director of Special Programs
Grades 9-12, including multi-aged classrooms and the Canandaigua Academic & Career Center
Jennifer Marafioti
Assistant Director of Special Programs
Grades 6-8, including multi-aged classrooms until January 31, 2025
Chris Paige
Assistant Director of Special Programs
Grades 3-5 - including multi-aged classrooms - until November 18, 2024; Cross-Training with Jen Marafioti from November 18, 2024, through January 31, 2025; After January 31, 2025 Out of District Placed and Grades 6-8 - including multi-aged classrooms
The Canandaigua City School District Technology Department is charged with the overall support and implementation of technology district wide.
Our mission is to support the District goal of incorporating the use of technology to improve and enhance instruction, learning, management, and administrative functions. We closely follow the district Technology Plan as a framework for our short term, as well as long range planning strategies.
Technology is pervasive in all areas of the Canandaigua Schools. The Canandaigua City School District maintains one of the largest single entity data and voice networks in Ontario County. The technology department strives to provide a fast and highly available network infrastructure to support the educational goals of the district. Redundancy of the wired and wireless networks, servers, storage, power and other environmental systems are all essential to reduce downtime.
The technology staff support a multitude of services: email, over 200 instructional and administrative software applications, VOIP Phone System, HVAC and Security monitoring, network security software, virus protection, SPAM prevention and internet filtering for all servers and workstations.
Draft - 2022-2025 Instructional Technology Plan
Approved 2016-17 Instructional Technology Plan
The Smart Schools Bond Act was passed in 2014 by a state wide referendum. The Smart Schools Bond Act (SSBA) authorized the issuance of $2 billion of general obligation bonds to finance improved educational technology and infrastructure to improve learning and opportunity for students throughout the State.
Canandaigua was allocated $2,256,756
The district's investment plan for the use of the money -- which was aligned with the district Technology Plan -- was approved by the New York State Education Department on July 14th, 2017. The plan included the purchase and deployment of district assigned devices for both students and staff over a multiple year deployment as well as classroom audio enhancement systems for each classroom.
Chromebooks will be distributed to each student in Grades 6-12 at the start of the 2017-18 school year as part of this plan.
Please view the files below for more detailed information on Canandaigua City School District's Smart Schools Investment Plan
In January of 2020 an amendment to the original Smart School Investment Plan was submitted to the New Your State Education Department. This amendment outlines what was actually purchased and installed of the requested items from the original plan. The amendment proposal also outlines a new plan for the money not used due to efficiencies and changes in the technology approved in the original plan.
Please view the files below for more detailed information on Canandaigua City School District's Smart Schools Investment Plan Amendment 1.
smart schools investment plan amendment 1
Dan Bowman
Director of Technology Operations
Sharon Switzer
Department Senior Clerk
The Transportation Department is responsible for providing the safe and efficient transportation of the Districts students. This includes the training of drivers, monitors, and students as mandated by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles and the New York State Department of Education. The Districts fleet of school buses are maintained by professional mechanics and is adherent to strict Federal New York State Department of Transportation regulations. The Canandaigua City School transportation department takes pride in its safety record and its D.O.T ratings. Our transportation staff are professional people who value the children that we transport.
Seth Clearman
Transportation Supervisor
(585) 396-3740
Canandaigua City School District
Transportation Department
5500 Airport Road
Canandaigua, NY 14424
(585) 396-3740