CCSD Reopening Plans
Updated Information: Reopening Plans
- Definitions of key terms in our learning plans
- Community Forum Recordings - Updated 8/18
- Health & Safety Information Updates- Updated 9/20
- Athletics- Updated 9/11
- Food Service - Updated 9/10
- Building Forum Recordings - 9/1 & 9/3
- Canandaigua Primary-Elementary School -Updated 8/4
- Canandaigua Middle School- Updated 8/4
- Canandaigua Academy/ CACC- Updated 8/4
- New York State Guidance Documents- Updated 7/31
- Initial Draft Plan Announcement & Webinar Recording- Updated 7/27
- Frequently Asked Questions
- COVID-19 School Closure Information
Definitions of key terms in our learning plans
Commonly used terms in our Reopening Plans - Defined
Asynchronous Learning
Learning takes place with flexibility as learners go at their own pace directed by their instructor. Students will receive assignments through SeeSaw (grades UPK-2) and Schoology (grades 3-12) and while there is some flexibility, there will be clear deadlines for assignments.
Synchronous Learning
Learning takes place in real-time, can be done with live webinars and virtual classrooms with live interaction with the instructor.
Remote Learning
Students who choose the in-person model will engage in remote learning three days a week. Students will engage in learning each day using mostly asynchronous means. Expectations for assignments and attendance are aligned to in-person learning.
Learning takes place both in-person and remotely with a reduced capacity of students at school buildings. Students report to school two per week and work remotely three days per week.
Virtual Learning - Choice for the Entire Semester
Student will engage in classes and conduct learning away from school. Learning will include both direct teacher instruction and independent student work. There will be expectations for assignments, deadlines, authentic grading, and assessments that align with in-person instruction.
Canandaigua City School District
Community Forum Recordings - Updated 8/18
Past COVID-19 Forums Community Forum 3/26/20 Community Forum 4/2/20 Community forum 4/10/20 Community Forum 4/16/20 Community Forum 4/23/20 Community Forum 4/30/20 Community Forum 5/7/20 Community Forum 5/14/20 Community Forum in Session at Home 5/21/20 Community Forum 6/4/20 Community Forum 6/11/20 Health Flowcharts
Health & Safety Information Updates- Updated 9/20
Daily Health Screening
Each morning before a student or staff member reports to one of our facilities, a daily health screening is required. This is set up through BravesSquare and needs to be completed by the student or parent prior to getting on the bus and/or arriving at school. The health screening needs to be completed only on days the student attends in school.
On the web app, the daily health screening will appear at the bottom of the mobile device. The district will have a process for screening those who did not complete the health screening. The district will follow up with families to encourage and support completion at home. The health screening tool is available on both the phone application and the BravesSquare website through ParentSquare.
For directions on how to complete the daily health screening, please view this video: Daily Health Screening Video
Face Covering Information
Masks: The Finger Lakes Reopening Schools Safely Task Force ruled on Monday that the following face coverings are not allowed in schools:
- Masks with exhalation valves
- Gaiters
- Bandanas
Students will be required to wear a face-covering for most of the day. They will remove it while eating breakfast or lunch. There will be mask relief areas where people are appropriately distanced and supervised. Some students may have a medical exemption from wearing a mask (anxiety for example) and in those cases, students with an exemption must remain 6’ distanced or more at all times.
Golisano Children's Hospital Mask Resources
Mask Wearing Toolkit - EnglishMask Wearing Toolkit - Spanish
Cleaning Protocols - 2020 - 2021 School Year
Each classroom will be provided with a cleaning solution in a squirt bottle and cloth to wipe down surfaces after student or staff use
Common Areas
Building custodians will clean high touch surface areas in hallways such as door knobs, railings, hallway bathrooms three times a day
Checked three times per day while school is in session to prevent garbage overflow, lack of soap, paper towels, toilet paper or sanitary napkin dispenser overflow. Toilets, sinks, and shower areas will be disinfected three times a day, wearing proper PPE to avoid splashes
High Touch Areas
Cleaned & Disinfected, 3 times per day
- Sinks
- Faucets
- Soap dispensers
- Drinking Fountains
- Door handles and push plates
- Light switches
- Handrails
Other Cleaning Procedures
- All trash receptacles emptied and trash removed from room
- Floors full mopped
- Doors and Partitions in Restrooms and Locker Rooms cleaned
- Walls are spot cleaned
- Check that toilets, faucets, and drains are working
- Check and empty Sanitary Napkin Boxes
- Clean Exterior of Dispensers
- Make sure all windows are locked
- Re-stock all paper and soap products
Wednesdays & Saturdays -Deep Clean = Electrostatic Disinfection
Positive Screening/UPK – 12 Staff and Students (Updated 9/18)
Athletics- Updated 9/11
We have been working with the NYSPHSAA and the Monroe County League to determine how we will move forward with our fall sports season. The state has provided very strict guidelines that will need to be followed and were developed by the New York State Department of Health for practices and contests to ensure the safety of all of our athletes and coaches. Specifics regarding mask use, screening, and social distancing will be shared prior to the start of the season. Football, girls and boys volleyball, and competitive cheerleading have been rescheduled to start on March 1, 2021.
Varsity & JV Sports
Low and moderate risk varsity and junior varsity sports (girls swimming and diving, boys and girls soccer, girls tennis, and boys and girls cross country) will begin practice on Monday, September 28. Registration through Family ID for varsity and junior varsity sports are open now.
Modified (7th & 8th Grade) Sports
Modified sports (girls swimming and diving, boys and girls soccer, girls tennis, and boys and girls cross country) will begin practice on Monday, October 5th. Registration through Family ID for modified sports will begin on Monday, September 14.
Registering for Sports
Instruction to complete the registration process using FamilyID on the school district website is located below. Due to the restricted access to physicians by families, NYS has waived the requirement for athletes to have a new health screening on file. To register for any of the fall sports listed above please click the link.
Again, if your son or daughter had a physical for school for the 2018-2019 or 2019-2020 school year, you do NOT need to have a physical for fall 2020 athletics.
First day of practice for the varsity and junior varsity sports above is Monday, September 28th.
First day of practice for modified sports will be Monday October 5th
Students can participate in athletics whether they are hybrid or virtual learners.
Families are responsible to transport athletes who are not participating in in-person classes to campus for practices or to campus to ride the bus to games. If parents are unable to provide transportation for their athletes to practices, please contact your son or daughter’s coach or the Athletic Office at (585) 396-3825 in advance. Practice times for all sports and levels are still to be determined.
Practices and games are not open to the general public.
Per NYS Department of Health Guidance, players, coaches, officials, event personnel and only two spectators per player are allowed in attendance for contests. Canandaigua CSD, in conjunction with Monroe County Public High School Athletic Conference and Section V Athletics will develop procedures to assure that only two spectators per player are in attendance. These procedures will be communicated through our athletic department and coaches. The two spectators per player will be strictly enforced.
In order to alleviate the burden on families and friends of not being able to attend games, the district is considering live-streaming more junior varsity and varsity contests than a typical year.
Sport specific rules and guidelines will be shared with those who register for the sport.
If you need assistance with registration, contact FamilyID at or call 888-800-5583 x1.
Thank you!
James Simmons
Director of Athletics
Food Service - Updated 9/10
Food Service Update
On August 31, 2020, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) extended a program allowing us to offer free breakfast and lunch to all Canandaigua City School District students. Students will be able to eat meals at no cost. This program is currently scheduled to run until December 31, 2020 or until federal funding is not available. At this time, this program is temporary. We ask that families who qualify for free and reduced meals still complete the forms and the information is used for different grants for the District and because this program is temporary.
During this school year, students will eat meals in various locations in our buildings due to social distancing guidelines. Only meals will be available this year and students will not have the opportunity for ala carte items.
Meal pick up is grab and go breakfast and lunch. This is available to students on school days they are not attending in our building. Virtual students can pick up meals on all school days, hybrid students can pick up meals on days they are remote learning, and students attending school four days during the week can pick meals up on Wednesdays.
Meal pick up will begin on Friday, September 11th from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Primary Entrance of the PES complex. Please enter off of Gibson Street. Meal pick up will continue each school day from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. When picking up meals, we will need your student’s meal ID# or first and last name.
Any questions, please contact 585.396.3700 or email
Building Forum Recordings - 9/1 & 9/3
Primary-Elementary School: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 - 6 to 7 p.m.
Recording Link
Middle School: Thursday, September 3, 2020 - 7:15 - 8:15 p.m.
Canandaigua Academy: Thursday, September 3, 2020 - 6 - 7 p.m.
Canandaigua Primary-Elementary School -Updated 8/4
Canandaigua Primary - Elementary School
Reopening 2020 - 2021 Plan Preferences
Important Information for both Preference 1 & Preference 2
Click here for PDF of the Primary-Elementary School Reopening Plan Preferences
Based on NYS guidelines, attendance will be recorded daily
Grading wil be consistent in both the in-person and virtual models
Code of Conduct
The approved CCSD code of conduct and student handbook will be in place for both options
Extra-Curricular Activities
May meet on a limited basis, pending approval for building administrators, extra-curricular activities are available to students in both preferences
Regular communication will come from teachers and the District via BravesSquare
All students will have access to a device (Kindergarten - iPads, Grades UPK, 1-5 Chromebooks). There will be hardware technology help to all students in the event they are experiencing technology issues.
Preference 1: Vitual Learning
At this time, Virtual Learning is a choice for the 1st Semester
The 1st Semester ends January 29, 2021
Students will have a typical class size (22-24 students) and typical school day
Daily Schedule
Students will engage in daily synchromous teaching and learning for a minimum of 1.5 hours per day: Math (30 mins), ELA (30 mins), and Community Building (30 mins)
The remainder of the school day will be a combination of activities and asynchronous learning. Students will utilize the learning management system.
Feedback on Work
Students will receive timely and relevant feedback / grades on submitted work
Special Area Classes
Students will continue to have specials each week (Physical Education and Art or Music)
Planning for music instuction is under development and lessons may be delivered virtually.
Other Important Information
Special Education Services, Academic Intervention Services (AIS) and Enrichment wil continue for students who qualify.
Preference 2: Attending School In-Person
Before Coming to School
Health Screening
Families will be required to report their child's morning temperature prior to attending school.
Families are encouraged to bring their children to and from school each day. There will be designated directions for where to drop off students by grade AM Drop-off and PM Pick-Up. Students are required to wear masks while ridng the school bus.
Throughout the School Day
Maintain 6 feet of social distance with a mask, further distance if a child is not required to wear a mask (if given medical permission).
The NYS Guidelines state that face coverings will not be placed on students where such coverings would impair their health or mental health or where such covering would present a challenge, distraction, or obstuction to education services and instruction. We would encourage you to choose the virtual option if your child can not tolerate a face covering. There will be designated areas for mask breaks.
Two days of in person instruction- New instruction, increased focus on ELA, math and social / emotional well-being. If weather permits, students may do outside. Shared materials will be limited and monitored. Special Education Services, AIS and Enrichment will continue for students who qualify.
Students will eat 6 feet apart so that they can eat without having to wear a mask. In the hybrid model, students will eat lunch in their classrooms.
Students will have recess daily, but will not be able to share the playground with another class.
Music, Art, Plysical Education, Library- Students will remain in their classroom for instruction from special area teachers. PE will be outside when weather permits. Planning for music instruction is under development and lessons may be delivered virtually.
Hybrid Learning
*A hybrid model is how those who select "In-Person" will begin the school year
Students attend in person part of the week and remote learn part of the week
There will be approzimately 9-12 students per cohort, classroom teachers will have two cohorts
Cohort 1: Last names A-K in person Monday, Tuesday, remote Wednesday through Friday
Cohort 2: Last names L-Z remote Monday through Wednesday, in person Thursday, Friday
While Attending Remote Learning
Three Days of Remote Instruction
Students will be expected to use the learning management system to complete learning activities.
Teachers will be instructing the opposite cohort and not available for live support throughout the school day.
Academic Expectations
Students will be engaging in daily instruction & classwork.
Canandaigua Middle School- Updated 8/4
Canandaigua Middle School
Reopening 2020 - 2021 Plan Preferences
Important Information for both Preference 1 & Preference 2
Click here for PDF of the Middle School Reopening Plan Preferences
Based on NYS guidelines, attendance will be recorded daily
Grading wil be consistent in both the in-person and virtual models. The expectation will be that the curriculum and assessments will teach and measure the same NYSED Learning Sandards.
Code of Conduct
The approved CCSD code of conduct and the MS student handbook will be followed
Extra-Curricular Activities
May meet on a limited basis, pending approval for building administrators, extra-curricular activities are available to students in both preferences
Regular communication will come from teachers and the District via BravesSquare
All students will be issued a CCSD Chromebook. There will be hardware technology help to all students in the event they are experiencing technology issues.
Preference 1: Vitual Learning
At this time, Virtual Learning is a choice for the 1st Semester
The 1st Semester ends January 29, 2021
Student's will receive synchronous instruction at home
Daily Schedule
Classes will be scheduled. Students wil be expected to virtually check in to each class between 7:30 am and 2:15 pm at the designated times. Attendance will be recorded for each class daily.
Academic Expectations
Instruction and work will resemble the expectations for those that physically attend classes. Students will be assigned the same courses they would have if they were in person and Schoology will be utilized as the Learning Management System.
Canandaigua Lake Classes (Special Area Classes)
Some of the classes which are not required by NYSED may not be offered in this preference.
Planning for music insturction is under development and lessons may be delivered virtually. Other special area classes will be adapted to the virtual setting. There will be physical eduaction requirements.
Preference 2: Attending School In-Person
Before Coming to School
Health Screening
Families will be required to report their child's morning temperature prior to attending school.
Families are encouraged to bring their children to and from school each day. Students are required to wear masks while ridng the school bus. There will be designated directions for drop off and pick-up locations.
Teaching & Learning
Music Classes
Band and Chorus will occur but seatng and location are still to be determined. We must maintain 12 feet separation without masking to meet regulation. Planning for music instruction is under development and lessons may be delivered virtually.
Physical Education
We will use multiple locations including the gymnasium, the small gym, the fitness room, and outside. PE classes will be expected to be outside weather permitting (dry and above 45F). Students will not use the locker room or change clothing for PE.
Family and Consumer Science (FACS)
Traditional learning opportunities will be edited/altered to reduce group work and adhere to NYSED guidelines (Example: There will not be group cooking in FACS).
Throughout the School Day
Normal 9 period schedule. The hybrid model will reduce in person class sizes approximately by half.
Maintain 6 feet of social distance with a mask, further distance if a child is not required to wear a mask.
Masks will be required however, the NYS Guidelines state that face coverings will not be placed on students where such coverings would impair their health or mental health or where such covering would present a challenge, distraction, or obstruction to education services/instruction. We would encourage you to choose the virtual option if your child can not tolerate a face covering. There will be designated areas for mask breaks.
Students will be expected to move directly to classrooms. There will be no large groups gatherings in hallways, common areas, or assemblies. Lockers will be accessed only at certain scheduled times and students will carry a backpack.
Chromebook loaners will be available on an extremely limited basis; some classroom materials will need to be shared; we will limit this as much as possible and cleaning protocols will be in place., example: Technology Class.
Students will eat in the cafeteria, classrooms, and other alternate locations in order to increase the social distance. Cafe staff will wear masks and gloves and there will be no self-serve.
*A hybrid model is how those who select "In-Person" will begin the school year
Students attend in person part of the week and remote learn part of the week
There will be approzimately 9-12 students per cohort, classroom teachers will have two cohorts
Cohort 1: Last names A-K in person Monday, Tuesday, remote Wednesday through Friday
Cohort 2: Last names L-Z remote Monday through Wednesday, in person Thursday, Friday
While Attending Remote Learning
Schedule & Academic Expectations
Students will be expected to check in with their teacher daily and complete all assignments on-time as requested. Students will be engaging in daily instruction/classwork through Schoology.
Canandaigua Lake Classes
Music, PE, FACS, Tech, Art, Computers, and Health:
Traditional learning opportunities will be changed. Work will be assigned on an odd/even day basis.
Canandaigua Academy/ CACC- Updated 8/4
Canandaigua Academy
Reopening 2020 - 2021 Plan Preferences
Important Information for both Preference 1 & Preference 2
Click here for the PDF of the Academy Reopening Plan Preferences
Based on NYS guidelines, attendance will be recorded daily
Grading wil be consistent in both the in-person and virtual models. The expectation will be that the curriculum and assessments will teach and measure the same NYSED Learning Sandards.
Code of Conduct
The approved CCSD code of conduct and the Academy student handbook will be followed
Extra-Curricular Activities
May meet on a limited basis, pending approval for building administrators, extra-curricular activities are available to students in both preferences
Regular communication will come from teachers and the District via BravesSquare
All students will be issued a CCSD Chromebook. There will be hardware technology help to all students in the event they are experiencing technology issues.
Preference 1: Vitual Learning
At this time, Virtual Learning is a choice for the 1st Semester
The 1st Semester ends January 29, 2021
Student's will receive synchronous instruction at home
Daily Schedule
Learning will be synchronous (teachers and students engaging at the same time) and students will be expected to virtually attend class at the designated time for a full 9 period schedule. Schoology will be utilized as the Learning Management System.
Academic Expectations
Teaching and learning will be similar to the academics for student who are physically attending classes. Planning for music instruction is under development and lessons may be delivered virtually.
Course Offerings
Electives will likely be limited due to limited staff availability and practical nature of the course materials.
Preference 2: Attending School In-Person
Before Coming to School
Health Screening
Families will be required to report their child's morning temperature prior to attending school.
Families are encouraged to bring their children to and from school each day. Students are required to wear masks while ridng the school bus. Staggered pick-up and drop-off times may be necessary.
Teaching & Learning
Music Classes
Students will use different instructional spaces to accommodate 12 feet social distancing. Planning for music instruction is under development and lessons may be delivered virtually.
Physical Education
There will be no changing for PE class and backpacks will be left in a designated spot in the gym. PE classes will be using multiple spaces throughout the building and going outside as much as possible.
Courses that are highly hands on will follow the guidelines to ensure safety and cleanliness This will mean less group work, minimal shared materials and alternative projects.
Throughout the School Day
There will be a normal 9 period schedule. The hybrid model will reduce in person class sizes approximately by half.
Maintain 6 feet of social distance with a mask, further distance if a child is not required to wear a mask.
Masks will be required however, the NYS Guidelines state that face coverings will not be placed on students where such coverings would impair their health or mental health or where such covering would present a challenge, distraction, or obstruction to education services/instruction. We would encourage you to choose the virtual option if your child can not tolerate a face covering. There will be designated areas for mask breaks.
There will be no large groups gatherings in hallways, common areas, or assemblies. Lockers will be accessed only at certain scheduled times and students will carry a backpack.
In order to maximize the number of students who can be seated in the cafeteria, students will be seated in individual desks 6 feet apart and additional spaces. Dafe staff will ear masks and gloves and there will be no self-serve.
Chromebook loaners will be available on an extremely limited basis; some classroom materials will need to be shared; we will limit this as much as possible and cleaning protocols will be in place., example: Technology Class.
*A hybrid model is how those who select "In-Person" will begin the school year
Students attend in person part of the week and remote learn part of the week
Cohort 1: Last names A-K in person Monday, Tuesday, remote Wednesday through Friday
Cohort 2: Last names L-Z remote Monday through Wednesday, in person Thursday, Friday
While Attending Remote Learning
Schedule & Academic Expectations
Students will be expected to check in with their teacher daily and complete all assignments on-time as requested. Students will be engaging in daily instruction/classwork through Schoology.
Music Ensemble Classes
Planning for music instruction is under development and lessons may be delivered virtually.
Physical Education
Teachers will provide specific activities and instuction designed to be completed at home. Students will be asked to provide evidence of completion.
Students will be required to show progress on assignments provided by staff while they were in school. Teachers will utilize different strategies to accommodate the need to teach standards at home.
New York State Guidance Documents- Updated 7/31
Latest Guidance from New York State
Learn More: Reopening Guidance- NYSED July 16, 2020
Learn More: Updated NYSED FAQ July 22, 2020
Learn More: NYSPHSAA to Delay Fall Sports Start Date
Learn More: NYS Department of Health- July 13, 2020 - Interim Guidance for In-Person Instruction
Initial Draft Plan Announcement & Webinar Recording- Updated 7/27
On Monday, July 27, we released our initial draft plan to our school community and while we wish we could all return in person, based on how our district can meet the guidelines provided by New York State, that is not possible at this time. In the graphic above you will see that families have two choices. Below are explanations about these choices. At the end of the week, we will release more information to help you make your choice for the 2020-2021 school year and we will ask you to make your choice next week through a separate communication. Families can choose which option will work best for each of their children.
Option 1: Virtual Learning
In the Virtual Learning Model, a student opts into online learning for the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year. The semester ends on Friday, January 29, 2021. In this model, 100% of instruction is done remotely and there will be increased rigor from remote learning during the COVID closure last spring. Any student/family that selects this option will have the same expectations for daily attendance, assignment deadlines, grading, and assessments aligned with in-person instruction as those selecting the in-person option. Our plan is to reallocate teaching staff to facilitate learning in a virtual environment. This will include a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning for students.
*Students/families selecting this option may not have the same course offerings available to them, as those that choose the in-person learning option. Students who choose a virtual option can participate in extracurricular activities, provided they occur.*
Option 2: In-Person Learning
Option 2, In-Person Learning, represents a range of options for families that are intended to be responsive to changes related to the status of COVID-19 in NYS. While our goal is to provide students with daily instruction in person, the current Department of Health (DOH) and New York State Department of Education (NYSED) guidelines call for the use of masks for students and staff and social distancing measures or barriers in all buildings.
In order to meet the guidance provided to us by DOH and NYSED, we need to engage in a hybrid model of attendance and instruction to ensure that we are meeting these expectations (area highlighted in yellow in the above graphic). In this model, students will attend school on set days of the week and engage in remote learning on the other days of the week and will be divided into cohorts.
Students will be divided into cohorts and will attend school and engage in learning as outlined below:
UPK-12 students last name A-K:
Attend school on Monday and Tuesday each week and will engage remotely Wednesday-Friday
UPK-12 students last name L-Z:
Attend school on Thursday and Friday each week and will engage remotely Monday-Wednesday
When learning remotely on specified days, students will engage with teachers and peers using a combination of asynchronous and synchronous activities and will access learning from home.
For those selecting the in-person learning option, our model will change if guidance changes at the state level. For example, we could return to daily in-person instruction if expectations for mask-wearing and social distancing are relaxed. However, much like last spring, the Governor may direct school buildings to close as a result of increased infection rates.
*NYSED has indicated that districts make special accommodations to support certain populations of students. Specifically, those in self-contained models of Special Education and students designated as English Language Learners will attend in person more frequently than those students without these specific designations.*
We will continue to communicate through BravesSquare and update the reopening page on our website. At the end of this week, we will share more information about what virtual learning and in-person learning will look like when we return in September.
Please know that while this plan is a draft and we will need to be nimble moving through the different models of in-person learning, We will provide more information about the two options later this week that will help families learn more information to help them reach an informed decision for each of their children. I know this plan provides challenges and your continued patience, feedback, and support are greatly appreciated.