
All events and performances are under the supervision of the Theatre Manager. All stage machinery and systems must be operated by the house staff and crew.

The school district grounds are a no smoking and drug free zone. No alcoholic beverages may be brought onto the grounds or into the buildings.

Food and beverages may not be brought into the theatre, stage or back stage. House concessions are located in lobby.

The facility is available for rent by not-for-profit and /or community organizations only. To reserve the theatre, call or e-mail the theatre manager, a building use form will be mailed to you.

Insurance certificates and Flame Proof Certificates if applicable, must be furnished to the Theatre Manager before facility use.

Exempt organizations tax certificates and not-for-profit status must also be filed with the Theatre Manager.

Front-of-house will open 1/2 hour prior to curtain. A change in this policy must be cleared with the Theatre Manager.

CA theatre

Canandaigua Academy Theatre

435 East Street Canandaigua, NY 14424
Phone Number: (585) 396-3978
Fax: (585) 396-3806

Theatre Manager

Matthew Rodgers