canandaigua city school district

Setting Preferences for mobile app

Note: If you have already been using ParentSquare on another device (e.g., computer), you'll need to use your ParentSquare login for the mobile app.  If you have not been using ParentSquare at all yet, then you will be asked to create a password, which will also work for your ParentSquare account on other devices.

Setting Language:
  1. Open the app
  2. Click on the three lines in the left corner
  3. Click on Account
  4. Click on Preferences
  5. Click Language Setting
  6. Choose the language of your choice
Shows where to find your student's classes and where to change account setting


Where to send messages and where to find other options


Notification Settings:

ParentSquare allows users to select their preferred notification delivery method.  When a message is posted, users have the options to get an email, text, and/or app notification.  Users can also decide if they want an instant email each time or a digest email that comes at 6:00 pm with all the messages for the day.

Here's how to set preferences for notifications:

  1. Click on the 3 lines icon in the upper left corner.
    Shows where the 3 lines are
  2. Select preferences.
    shows the preferences
  3. Click on Notification Settings.
    show the notification settings
  4. You can create several preferences here.
    1. Select or unselect your choices for receiving messages.
    2. You can also choose to receive instant emails or one email digest at the end of the day (text messages and app notifications are always instant).
    3. To change app push notification settings, click on “Tap to view/change push notification settings.
    4. shows the app notification
  5. iOS: Go to Notifications in your phone settings and select the NVUSD app to turn app notifications on or off, and to select the style (banner, badge, sound, etc.).
    ios notification area
    ios notification page
  6. Android: Go to Notifications in your phone settings and select the NVUSD app to set the level of notification.
    app notification screen
    notifications page