National Honor Society

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4 pillars of national honor society
One of the highest honors we can bestow upon some of our students is induction into National Honor Society.
Mrs. Marissa Logue, CA Principal

Canandaigua Academy 2024-25 Members

Kenzie Albrecht

Keelan Annesi

Zoey Baker

Keagan Beecher

Michael Belles

Ava Bernhard

Parker Bowman

Ryan Bremer

Lauren Brown

Cole Burke

Connor Chapman

Alex Chen

Alexandria Craver

Claire Duggan

Dominic Falbo

Jackson Farrington

Tyler Friel

Sarah Gatesman

Eily Hubler

Tatum Jordan

Callie Keys

Evelynn Kruger

Colton Lamb

Eleanor Martin

Abigail McKeegan

Aaron Miller

Karenna Muscato

Kylyn Newman

Anna Nicholson

Natalie Noyes

Emily Oo

Taylor Pennise

Isabella Piano

Fiona Ross-McGuire

Sydney Ross

Rosemary Schaeffer

Macy Schneckenburger

Gibson Schwartz

Henry Smith

Jack Stanney

Aidan Talbot

Hannah Thiel 

Amy Tran

Charles Tricomi

Ava Tyler

Jenna Wallace

Macie Zappetella

  • Character

    The force within an individual which distinguishes that person from others.

  • Service

    Willingness to work without monetary compensation or recognition

  • Leadership

    The willingness to yield to one's personal interests for the interest of others.

  • Scholarship

    A commitment to learning.

nhs induction with female at table with candle


The motto of National Honor Society (NHS) is Noblesse Oblige, a French phrase literally meaning “nobility obligates”.In broader terms, it signifies that those of high rank have the obligation to behave honorably, generously and responsibly to others. Membership in the National Honor Society requires that individuals uphold this motto and excel in scholarship, service, character, and leadership.

Selection and membership in the National Honor Society is a privilege. It is more than just an honor roll. Students do not apply for membership, rather they are selected. First, their scholarship or academic record is reviewed. Any student with a cumulative grade point average, as calculated after the fall semester of their junior year, with a 90% or higher is given consideration for review.

 Invitations to current Juniors will be distributed following the posting of second quarter grades.

Thank you!