Past Graduations
2019 Graduation
One Hundred Thirty-First Annual Commencement Exercises
Canandaigua Academy
2019 Graduates
Teagan Munro Acoff
Thomas C. Adamescu
Caleb James Aldridge
Kendra Elyse Allen
Blake E. Allgood
Cameron Matthew Allgood
Gavin Paul Anderberg
Gabriella Ann Ashley
Nathan Joseph Babij
Zachary A. Bach
Ashlyn Grace Badger
Jesus Missael Baez
Jenna Suzanne Barnett
Danielle Lee Barone
Kenneth D. Bass
Sarah Elizabeth Bay
Mark Jeffrey Belles
Zachary Michael Bement
Catherine Mae Bennett
Matthew Daniel Benson
Sarah Josephine Bernard
Evan Carter Best
Brian S. Beyer
Kaysen Laurel Bickel
Andrew J. Bittel
Andrew David Bliss
Andrew Philip Boseck
Jillian Sue Bounds
Wilson Henry Boyce
Michael Joseph Braddon
Rebecca Lynn Braddon
Shelby Sinclair Brennessel
Adam Charles Bresette
Raymir Elena Briceno Ortega
Brent Michael Bridgman
Joseph Zele Brinza
Jordyn Paige Brown
Mitchell Parker Brown
William G. Burkard
Genna Constance Burke
Sarah Burkovich
Eliana Breanne Calder
Brianna Marie Carey
John Ambrose Carey IV
Vivian Rose Carnevale
Christopher Joseph Casellas
Cameron Blake Caton
Isabelle Munro Ceddia
Macy Marie Chapman
Thomas Charles Chapman
Christian M. Cheney
Madeline Laura Cheney
James Evan Cherry
Sullivan Thomas Clark
Derek Thomas Coats
Katherine Ann Cobos
Joshua LeRoy Cole
Shirley Gissette Cole Figueroa
Michael Anthony Collins
Alyssa Lucia Colucci
Vincent Louis Contes
Brianna M. Corcoran
Mackenzie Jean Coyne
Elahav L. Crittenden
John William Cross
Cooper David Crunick
Zachary John-Harold Culhane
Andrew William Cuminale
Benjamin Paul Cuminale
Caleb Christopher Cummings
Heather Star Davies
Cameron Michael Davis
Harry William Davis II
Thomas D. Delforte
Skylar Jaya DeMarzio
Laura Anne DeMuzio
Nathan Dillon DeRue
Maximo Xavier Dessis
John David DeVito
Olivia Rose DiPaolo
John Michael DiSalvo
Andrew Thomas Dixon
Austin B. Doyle
Jacob D. Dreisbach
Sarah Rose Ducar
Olenka Sarah Duncan
Elizabeth Katherine Elias
Jared Scott Ellis
Elias Edward Ellison
Jennifer Lynn Engelbrecht
Todd Gilmer Everts
Edward Kristian Fairben
Baylee Mason Fairchild
Isaiah Robert Ferstead Anderson
Samuel William Finger
Jillian Claire Finster
Joshua Paul Fitzpatrick
Aden Pierre Forcier
Felicia Elaina Fox
Logan Bailey Fox
Megan Shae French
Michael Robert French
Jessica Linden Furnum
Alexis Nichole Gallant
Jillian Rose Garofolo
Taylor Ashley-Roselynn Giroux
Tyler Michael Goode
Christopher Michael Gordon
Gianni Marco Grasso
Madeline Elizabeth Green
Nicholas P. Guererri
Katarina M. Hammond
Charles Benjamin Harding
Nicholas Peter Hartpence
Keifer Townsend Havens
Jordan Julianna Hayes
Jonathan Richard Herrick
Jesse A. Hibbard
Devon Alexander Hobbs
Emily Marie Hood
Jade M. Hoff
Ian Michael Hotchkiss
Megan Elizabeth Hovey
Jeffrey Michael Howard II
Madison Taylor Hurlburt
Christen Elizabeth Ingalls
Grant Austin James-Besler
Madelyn Rose Jenkins
Jeremy Jenney
Jack Robert Johnston
Kyle Patrick Johnston
Mitchell G. Johnston
Cameron MacWalter Jones
Jared Jeffrey Jorolemon
Pierce Michael Juston
Taryn Sue Irene Kelley
Aiden John Kenyon
Seth Patrick Knowlton
Morgan Bailey Kolbeck
Ty D. Kommer
Christopher M. Kurowski
Jonathan Tyler Lazauskas
Caden Ryan Lefave
Alyssa Grace LeGrette
Stanley Lin
Dominic W. Lippincott
Hannah Bess Lochner
Mackenzie Taylor Lupton
Savanna Nicole Marie Ann Lyons
Margaret Ann Macaluso
Thomas H. Magnan
Killian Bonnie Mahoney
Maeve Niven Mahoney
Zarah Jade Mangiarelli
Karl Lester Mapstone
Isabella D. Marigliano
Zakariah James Michael Mawdesley
Allison Marie McCall
Errina Maeve McCarthy
Heidi I. McClow
Shania Lynn McDonald
Gabriel John McHenry
Sierra E. McIsaac
Lae'La Kay McMurray
Heaven Jazzamine Meyer
Jakob Jens Mickelsen
Talia Jane Miller
Jesse James Milliman
Brycen Alexander Mirisoloff-Lynch
Madison Eve Montalvo
Nicholas Anthony Natale
Elena Therese Newfrock
Benjamin Newton
Brenna Rose Nixon
Kira J. Nixon
Adam G. Novak
Michael K. Ogden
Emma Katherine O'Neill
Jeffrey Wayne Orbaker III
Bethan Inez Ouimette
Hunter Dane Outhouse
Liam Jameson Outhouse
Drew Christopher Owens
Elizabeth Michelle Page
Dylan Thomas Parker
Nicole Marie Parkison
Andrew Grandin Parr
Prachi M. Patel
Luc Nathanael Pereira
Laura Ruth Perrin
Mitchell Louis Pfeiffer
Skylar Joelle Phinney
Rocco Joseph Pietropaolo
Ryan D. Pitka
Andrea Marie Platt
Emma T. Platten
Arun Jayram Premnath
Hannah Louise Proper
Jaylea D. L. Ransom
Mark Allen Reason
Blake Anthony Reed-Corcoran
Abby Marie Reiff
Emma Ruth Rennie
Megan Victoria Renshaw
Hannah Grace Reuter
Clancy Elizabeth Rheude
Téa Shannon Rice
Alyssa Nicole Richmond
Melissa G. Ridley
Kaitlyn Nicole Ringhoff
Marjorie Rose Rizzo
Brena Jean Katherine Rocca
Moises Santino Rodriguez
Stephany Roman Ortiz
Kristina G. Romano
Dylan Charles Rosato
Jennifer Lynn Rosato
Caleb Kenneth Rossier
Talana Marie Rundt
Lucas Alexander Sager
Grace Elizabeth Sainsbury
Logan Jay Santee
Harvest Moon Savo
Brynn MeiLi Schauman
Matthew Jeffrey Scott
Michael J. Sculli
Arriana Butterfly Seeber
Tanner Ammon Senglaub
Thomas James Serron
Isabella Susan Setter
Nathen F. Seubert
Nicholas Ryan Shannon
Loren Rayanne Shaw
Brenden William Shay
Elijah Samuel Shechter
Benjamin Stephen Siciliano
Khara Lyn Principe Simons
David M. Smith, Jr.
Petyon William Smith
Danielle E. Snyder
Joshua Ho-Young Sohn
Devon L. Spychalski
Iain Leeti Stave
Mitchell Peter Steedman
Kathryn Marie Stegall
Levi Charles Storie
Jayden M. Sulkey
Michael Lee Talty
Anna Lynn Tanoory
Marchella Tarantello
Breanna Manon Tassie
Emily Renae Teerlinck
Riley Jane Teeter-Swedenhjelm
Grant Michael Thomas
Nicholas Andrew Thomas
Madilyn Simone Thompson
Jadynn Lucille Tiffany
Taylor Ann Tirabassi
Haydn Diane Towne
Jonathan Thomas Tran
Kristina Nicole Treanor
Alexander J. Turek
Tristan Jared Tyndall
Nina Elizabeth Vaccaro
Danielle Rae Van Doren
Bailey Lynn VanDeWater
Emily Rose Vargas
Yariel Aramis Vazquez
Emma Louise Viggiani
Jessica Renae Vinci
Anna Grace Vitale
Julian Michael Wachsler-Felder
Bridget M.R. Wagner
Jordan A. Waldow
Maren Grace Wallace
William James Walsh
Brianna Rose Weitzel
Carli Joanne Wetherwax
Makenzie Lee Whipple
Alexandria Arlene Wild
Austin Lee Williams
Alexandrea Jeannene Wilson-McLeod
Makaila Victoria Leigh Wirth
Nikolaus Sturton Woodworth
Peter Allen Yoder

2020 Graduation
Wesley M. Allen
Emily Allen-Comella 10
Alia Marie Ansuini
Parazadia Sebastiana Appleton
Joshua Thomas Ashby
Jack Edwin Baker
Paige Lily Barkley 2
Dustin Robert Louis Bassett 8, 9
Connor Patrick Bauman
Samantha A. Baxter 2, 7
Riley Paige Beagley 8, 9
Elaina Mary Bement 2, 5, 6
Jack Benner
Kyle Robert Bentley 7
Kassidy Emma Birch 3, 8, 9
Dylan A. Blair 14
LaRen Rae Blakesley
Rachel Morgan Boock 3, 8, 9
Nathaniel Reed Borkholder 2, 6, 7
Michael Parker Boyce
Dalton Robert Boylan
Jackson Robert Brague
Alexandra Jessica Braniecki 2, 6
Conner James Brizzee 8, 9
Rachel Claire Brophy 2, 5
Ashely Jeanne Brown
Nicholas Paul Brunelli 2
Taryn Jean Burgess 2, 3, 6, 8, 9
Camile Jean Burns
Kali Marie Cacciotti 8, 9
Spencer Michael Cahill
Meghan Nicole Calabrese 11, 13
Christopher Jeffrey Cangemi
Daniel J. Carlson
Grace K. Carlson 2, 7
Kendall Rose Carson
Kylie M. Carson 3, 8, 9
Trent Micheal Casciani 8, 9, 14
Joshua Alan Catlin
Austin B. Cayward
Robert Connor Chapman 9
Zachary Chappell 8, 9
E. Cade Chesler
Jaclyn Danielle Christensen 5
Michael P. Cichetti 7
Alexis Ann Clark
Laura Hull Clark 13
Brenna Marie Cleary
John Scott Clifford
Ethan Robert Cobos 1, 2, 6, 7
Angelo Cocita 15
Kaden Matthew David Cole
Joseph Anthony Colucci 6, 7
Rage Corbyn Conklin 7
Caleb Thomas Corbett
Lee A. Corbin
Benjamin Michael Cornish 3, 8, 9, 14
Riley T. Creswell
Draven X. Cruz
Aaron Charles D'Agostino 11, 13
Kai Joseph D'Alessandro 2
Dakota Austin Dalton 8, 9
Kaylee Marie Daniels 8, 9
Lily Kathleen DeBrock 2
Haili Lynn DeMarzio-Reed
Kevin Robert Dennis 2, 6, 7
Mackenzie N. DePew
Evan Edward DeVey 3, 8, 9
Hali Nicole Lee Dodge
Gianna Raye Douglas 9
Ethan Michael Dramer
Dianna Lynn Duncan 2, 6, 7
Phoebe Margaret Durham 2, 5, 7
Abbie Grace Dutcher 2, 5
Josiah Crane Dutcher 2, 7
Katelyn Eileen Egan
Rae Anne Eggers
Erin Jewell Eilenstine
Carly Lucia Elliott
Meghan Marie Ellis 2
Madeline Ann Ellison 12, 13
Gabriel Reed Erickson
Arden Lucia Faiola 2
Alexi Rebecca Farnes 2
Brenden James Forrest 1, 6, 7
Kylie Renee French
Caleb Shaye Friel
Madison C. Galczynski
Jeremy Jacob Gerstner
Kerry Ann Gibson 2, 6
Hannah Jo Godfrey 5
Alexander Kenneth Goode
Charles Daniel Gray 2, 13
Colin Pierce Greene
Emily May Griffin 2
Stella Jane Gullo 2, 6, 7
Eddie Robert Guzzo 8, 9
Hayden James Halstead
Fletcher Coates Hanford
Alexis Elaine Harris 2
Noah Stephen Haus 3, 8, 9
Millicent Grace Hawkins 2, 5
Samuel Grogan Healy 4
Riley Michael Henry
Madison Paige Herman
Casey Michael Herod
Andrew Burke HerrGesell 14
Gabriel Aiden Hill
Jacob E. Hogle 12, 13
Ryan Christopher Holcomb
Anthony E. Holtz
Jacqueline Maria Hood 8, 9
Jacob Gerald Hosmer 9, 13
Ryan William Hough 2, 7
Haley Amanda Howard
Isabella Anne Howard
Sara Elena Howard
Dylan James Milo Howe 8, 9
Maren Catherine Hubler 2
Diaja Alana Hughes 9
Dinya Jalize Hughes
Elijah Joseph Uchenna Iheoma
Noah J. Ingalls
Cameron Charles Isaac
Kellen Joseph Jackson
Madison Alexis Jackson
Evelyn Grace Jacobs 12, 13
Brooklyn Elizabeth Jagger
Jillian Rose Jeneault
Rhian P. Johnson
Nikita Alena Kanef
Colette Ellen Kenyon 2, 6, 7
Cody M. Keppen 9
Mikey Keyes
Leigha Alexis Kimble
Kaylee Lynne Knapp
Jace George Koelling
Lauren Morgan Kuhn
Ryan Charles Kuhn 3, 8, 9
Jade Alyese Kuttruff
Derek Richard LaFlam 2
Kasey Daniel Laird 7
Tyler Lautner 9, 13
Kyla Deanna Lefave 10
Giovanni Jared Leone 8, 9
Amanda Fernleigh Lincoln
Kyla Janae Linzy-Richardson
Lily Elaine Logan 2, 5
Thalia A. Lora 10
Laura Elizabeth Luna 2, 5, 7
Dylan H. MacKenzie
Nathan James MacLean
Samuel Doran Mahoney
Lucas Ethan Malcomson
Madison E. Mamoone 2, 7
Liliana Leeann Mandurano
Danielle Nancy Martinez 8, 9
Victoria Jacquelyn McClain
Dylan Patrick McGinn
Jake Patrick McIlwaine
Casey Thomas McKenna 2, 7
Jacob Henry McMillen 8, 9
Matthew S. McMullen 2, 7
Katlin Marie McNeil 5
Carter Matthew McWilliams
Catherine Grace Messina
Caleb Andrew Meyer 2, 6, 7
Robin Lynn Mikula
Nathan E. Miles 7
Sydney I. Miller
Taylor Marie Mills
Charles Wetmore Morgan 2, 6, 7
Maureen Olivia Morley
Zachary K. Morse 2
Brianna Lea Murphy 8, 9
Madeline Claire Murphy 2, 6
Riley Anne Murphy 8, 9
Kyle James Mussaw 9, 12, 13
Ashanti Renee Nelson 2
Daniel E. Nicoletti
Beau Matthew Norris 2
Mckenzie Lynn Norris 5, 6, 7
Hannah Sylvan Fae Nyhan 5
August William Obenauer
Kaelah Renee Oberdorf 8, 9
Emer Meadow Kay O'Brien
Oona Willow Kay O'Brien
Benjamin Paul Ojeda
Luca Thomas Olivieri
Molly McWilliams O'Neill
Strider Orlando O'Neill
Seth Brendan Outhouse
Bradley R. Owens 1
Laura Irene Panara
Orestes Giorgos Papas
Sully P. Pappert
Matthew Isaac Parsons
John Henry Patrowicz 6, 7
Luke J. Pawlicki 2, 6, 7
Sophie Grace Pedzich 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
Emi Lynn Perdan 1, 2, 6, 7
Benjamin C. Perrin
Michael Angelo Personale 11, 13
Isabel F. Pitkin
Savanna Marie Plain
Joseph Steven Pollack
Wyatt John Clarence Potter 13
Ryan Dominick Principato 2, 6, 7
Bethany L. Prunoske 2
Sean Patrick Quigley 8, 9
Karli Marie Rader 8, 9
Peytinn Leigh Rattray
Reilly Katherine Reber 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9
Kyler William Rebmann 3, 8, 9
John William Regan 7
Mauriese Reid
Arianna Lynae Reisman
Nicholas James Ressue 3, 8, 9
Noah Lawrence Ressue 3, 8, 9
Reann Marie Rhoads 3, 8, 9
Chloe Mary Richards 2, 6, 7
Alexa Rizzo
Benjamin Matthew Rizzo
Jenna Lee Robinson
Charlotte Elisa Rodriguez 14
Kayleigh D. Rotter 11, 13
Erich David Rudolph 5, 7
Aidan D. Russell 1, 2, 6, 7
Madison Maureen Ryan 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9
Zachary Mauro Scammell 2
Kyrsten Jean Scheib 9
Sarah Rose Schmeer
Samuel D. Shaw
Julia Mackenzie Shechter 8, 9
Damien Joseph Sherer 9
Charlie Nicole Shields 2
Mitchell Francis Simmons 9
Skylar Lynn Simmons 2
Michaela Jean Simpson 2, 8, 9
Emma Catherine Sipos 2
Alivia Dawn Sitler 3, 8, 9
Brett Lee Skuse
Jedrick Paul Sliwka
Natalie Lynn Smith 8, 9
Tanner Britton Smith
Brandon P. Snover 8, 9
Kaleb Bray Sparks-Damrell 8, 9
Mara Loren Spurling
Rocco James Stagnitto
Sarah M. Stratton
Julia Josephine Struthers
Eric Richard Szczepkowski 2, 6, 7
Amber Leigh Taggart
Brianna Lee Taylor 8, 9
Katie Elizabeth Taylor 2
Gabriela Rose Tepedino
Heather Maria Thorn-Young 11, 13
Francesca Marie Tiermini 2, 5
Caelyn Marie Tirabassi
Marc Anthony Torres
Robert Joseph Totten 6, 7
Ryland Henderson Turner
Joseph Robert Urlacher 2
Jasmine Bea VanBuren
Emma Caroline VanGorder 2
Elizabeth Hope Van Laeken 5, 10
Jesse Marcus Vasquez 8, 9
Olivia Rose Verdi 4
Matthew John Vierhile 2, 6
Dominic Joseph Vigneri
Seth Joseph Vigneri
Anthony Vincent Vitalone 8, 9
Alena Laura Von Rhedey 2, 3, 8, 9
Lilly Ann Von Rhedey 2
Natalie Cate Wall 2, 5
Zachary X. Wantuck
Caitlin Marie Weibel 10, 11, 13
Jacob N. Weigert 7
Skyllar Willow MacKenna Weigert 2, 7
Sarah Kate Weinel 2, 3, 6, 8, 9
Mason Samuel Weitzel
Ryan Park Welch 4
Torin J. Welch 3, 8, 9
Nathan James Wendroff 3, 8, 9
Samuel R. Werth 2
Maria L. Williams
Matthew Santos Wilt 5, 6, 7
Alexander John Winter 10
Makai Mahonri Wise 8, 9
Alexander Francis Wiseman
Aidan Edward Woehr
Brandon A. Wolfe 8, 9
Andrew A. Wong 2, 6, 7
Hunter James Wyand
Logan Edward Years
Diane Katelynne Zaborowski
Key for numbers next to the names of students above
1. International Baccalaureate Candidates
2. National Honor Society
3. National Technical Honor Society
4. Business Honor Soceity
5. Tri-M Music
6. Mastery in Mathematics
7. Mastery in Science
8. Career & Technical Endorsement
9. Career Development & Occupational Studies Commencement Credential
10. Three Year Graduate
11. August 2019 Graduate
12. January 2020 Gradaute
13. In Absentia
14. Enlisted in the U. S. Military
15. Foreign Exchange Student
2021 Graduation
- Canandaigua Academy Class of 2021
- Saturday, June 26, 2021 Graduation Ceremony
- Commencement Speech: Mrs. Jeanie Gramm
- Commencement Speech: Mrs. Marissa Logue
- Senior Speaker: Mohamad Damlakhi
- Senior Speaker: Sam Ehrlinger
- Senior Speaker: Laine Havens
- Grad Walk
- CAps & CArs and Sunset
- John Wilcox Award Presentation
Canandaigua Academy Class of 2021
Cody D. Aikey |
Gabriel Troy Arthur |
Olivia Belle Ashworth |
Timothy Daniel Atkins |
McKiah Brianne Ayers |
Jake Terrence Baker |
Hailey Anne Ballone |
Paige Jillian Barnes |
Leanna L. Barnhart |
Matthew T. Barry |
Alison E. Bateman |
Caleb T. Bates |
Hayden S. Bement |
Samuel Winston Bennett |
Elizabeth Bentley |
Luke Garin Besler |
Nolan Tucker Best |
Carlyn Andrus Bjorling |
Spinnaker Pace Blazak |
Joseph Bradley Bognanno |
Griffin William Bond |
Charles Delano Borden |
Vince Chester Kyle Borja |
Sean A. Borkholder |
Emma Grace Boyce |
Brody H. Bridgman |
Natalie Lillian Bridgman |
Alexander Ira Briggs |
Haley Ann Briggs |
Grace Brinza |
Emily Jane Brown |
Pryce Alexander Browne |
London Bukovcan |
Emily Nicole Butcher |
Jacob J. Caban |
Evan Cahill |
Gabriella Angeline Calder |
Mia Isabella Cangemi |
Julia Ruth Carey |
Elizabeth Ann Casciani |
Samuel James Casellas |
Jessica Anne Castle |
Samantha Marie Catlin |
Tyler J. Cator |
Christopher Chapman-Taylor |
Jerome "Charlie" Cheney |
Jack Anthony Ciranni |
Holland Jeanette Clark |
Tristen Donavan Clark |
Daniel Douglas Coffey |
Mikayla A. Coleates |
Mía Coleman Lawrence |
Dominic James Comella |
Deven James Coniglio-Hines |
Rachael Cook |
William Elliott Cooper |
Hannah Grace Couillard |
Arabella J. Cruz |
Logan Allyn Currie |
Daniel G. Curtis, Jr. |
Mohamad Fouad Ahmad Damlakhi |
Othman Ahmad Damlakhi |
Korre Michael Daniels |
Dezmond Mykal Clarence Davis |
McKenna R. Davis |
Kaleb Lee Dean |
Aidan M. Decker |
Adrienne Amanda DeMarco |
Devon Micheal DeRue |
Daniel P. DiSalvo |
Zachary J. Dreisbach |
Carley C. Ducar |
Serah M. Dureus |
Noah T. Edgerton |
Samuel F. Ehrlinger |
Malaki Jackson Everett-Smith |
Isabella Mitra Everts |
Carlos Antonio Fantauzzi |
Aspen E. Farnes |
Colton James Feight |
Owen Crane Fifield |
Julia Grace Fitzpatrick |
Ethan M. Foss |
Ethan Charles Foster |
Nick Francese |
Alexander Joseph Francis |
Olivia Jeanne Fratto |
Nicholas C. Fuhrmann |
Gabriella R. Gavette |
Jack Lawrence Gerstner |
Philip K. Giacobbe |
Madilynn Michele Gill |
Erica JeeEun Graff |
Jordan Leigh Gray |
Olivia Marie Green |
Kylie Paige Groff |
Triton Alexander Gulick |
Alessio Francis Gurnell-Coniglio |
Brady R. Hackett |
Kirsten Elizabeth Ham |
Drue Alexandra Hamlin |
Sean William Hansen |
Oliver Britton Harvieux |
Laine F. Havens |
Liam David Henry |
Nicholas Gregory Herbst |
Hollie Herring |
Jacob Hill |
Katelyn R. Holbrook |
Nathan Thomas Hood |
Jaysen Matthew Howard |
Phoenyx Ella Marion Hummer |
Dakota Jacob Ingalls |
Kylie-Anne Leora Ingram |
Logan Alexander Jackson |
Nora Elizabeth Jenkins |
Hallie Ingles Johnson |
Joseph D. Johnson |
Sophia Tess Johnson |
Grant Hayes Johnston |
Griffin Gordon Jones |
Amanda Margaret Joseph |
Reilly Kai Joseph |
Nina Marie Karley |
Dylan Patrick Keefe |
Taylor Elizabeth Kelly |
Drew A. Kessler |
Jackson Joseph Keys |
MaKayla Marie Kimble |
Kennedy Elizabeth Knopf |
Justin V. Kuney |
Ryan Edward Kurowski |
Sophia Christine LaBarge |
Taylor Morgan Lada |
Elizabeth Marie Lahue |
Mellanie Helen Lainson |
Brin Morgan Laird |
Paige Nicole Lammers |
Kylie Dawn Lape |
John Joseph Lasky |
Nathan R. LeGrette |
Theodore Hunter Lenz |
Maddison Love Libby |
Max Lloyd Libby |
Austin David Lichaa |
Destiny Lippincott |
Steven F. Lloyd III |
Keegan Scott Longo |
Kailee Elizabeth Lupton |
David R. Lyttle |
Dylan J. MacDonald |
Andrew William Macri |
Cody Hunter Malcolm |
Chaunacey Angelina Malerk |
Jonathon William Malerk |
Kevin Craig Mapstone |
Tairah Mandes |
Jaxson B. Marsh |
Tyler J. Marsh |
Mikayla Delphine Martineau |
Amelia Margaret Elizabeth May |
Jesse McClelland |
Liam Michael McConnell |
Liam Charles McCormick |
Cole C. McIsaac |
Walker Smith McMillan Meyer |
Christopher Joseph Moroz |
Nicolas Philip Muscato |
Neil Ni |
Jackson Ross Nieman |
Brett William Nixon |
Jonathan Noble |
Matthew Jon Northrup |
Aleksandar Noveski |
Kelsey E. O'Brien |
Griffin Robert Olsen |
Austin J. Owren |
Haeley K. Pagorek |
Zachary John Palmer |
Tristan David Parker |
Elena Eve Parr |
Ally Elizabeth Parsons |
Braden Pawlicki |
Abigail Marie Payne |
Joshua C. Peterson |
Benjamin C. Plummer |
Kaitlyn H. Power |
Lydiah McKaylah-Rose Pridmore |
Bryce Richard Raeman |
Liam F. Regan |
Adrienne Hix Lapointe Reston |
Paul Rheude, Jr. |
Maci Elizabeth Rhodes |
Tyrell James Ribble |
Brynn Lorelei Rice |
James P. Richmond III |
Hunter Douglass Rising-Lincoln |
Alyssa Renee Lynn Ritchie |
Molly Rodriguez |
Olivia Hope Romano |
Austin H. Ross |
Aynsley Kate Rossmann |
Brianna Jane Ruggles |
Donald Runge |
Jack Colton Ryan |
Carter Thomas Sabin |
Isabella Rose Schorr |
Lucas William Schwartz |
Moriah Nicole Scorsone |
Mia DeAnna Seele |
Collin J. Shaw |
Grace Anne Shaw |
Travis J. Shaw |
Madison Michelle Shepard |
Zachary Vincent Siciliano |
Hailey Elizabeth Simmons |
Sage Constance Simmons |
Robert Joseph Slowe |
Shane Patrick Slowe, Jr. |
Brian Xavier Vincent Smith |
Marcus Hamilton Smith |
Molly Jane Smith |
Tyler Danielle Smith |
Gage Matthew Snyder |
Nia W. Spano |
Luke David Spinosa |
Noah William Springer |
Savannah R. Steed |
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Stocker |
Brooke Lynn Sutton |
Elexis Victoria Taft |
Cameron David Tallman |
Quynn Elizabeth Tallman |
Madison Ann Taylor |
Evan Jacob Teeter-Swedenhjelm |
Jenna Sandra Tenney |
Connor A. S. Thompson |
Elyse M. Triola |
Roman Augustus Valente |
Luke Arthur Varricchio |
Kara Danielle Veatch |
Callie Rose Viggiani |
Luke Joseph Viggiani |
Andraya Kathleen Villard |
Aidan Philip Vitticore |
Benjamin William Volpe |
Emma Jean Von Alven |
Elias Mathias Wachsler-Felder |
Mya Catherine Walford |
Jaden Clarke Wallace |
Margaret Murphy Walsh |
Hannah E. Weeden |
Kasey Elizabeth Weigert |
Carter Lewis Weitzel |
Fiona Andrea Welch |
Jacob James Welch |
Megan Welch |
Stephen Fox Werges |
Cade Richard Wetherwax |
Anabella Rhonda Weyer |
Stephen Michael Williams |
Payton L. Wink |
Joshua Woodworth |
Sarah Jade Wright |
Faith Pauline Marie Wyand |
Nathaniel Kirk Yoder |
Emily Meredith Anna York |
Jesse Zemeic |
Saturday, June 26, 2021 Graduation Ceremony
Commencement Speech: Mrs. Jeanie Gramm
Commencement Speech: Mrs. Marissa Logue
Senior Speaker: Mohamad Damlakhi
Senior Speaker: Sam Ehrlinger
Senior Speaker: Laine Havens
Grad Walk
CAps & CArs and Sunset
John Wilcox Award Presentation
2022 Graduation
Congratulations Class of 2022!
Order of Events
- Mrs. Marissa Logue, Principal
- Mrs. Cary L. Burke, Assistant Principal
- Mr. Eric J. Jordan, Assistant Principal
- Mrs. Rachael Schading, Assistant Principal
- Combined Academy Bands and Orchestras
- Greg Kane, Diana Chase, Haley Moore, Directors
- Pomp and Circumstance -Edward Elgar arr. Howard E. Akers
- CA Choir Seniors
- Sean Perry, Vocal Director
- Jonathan Miller
- Ethan Rheude
- Sarah Windover
- Mr. Jamie Farr, Superintendent
- Mrs. Jeanie Grimm, Board of Education President
- You Raise Me Up arr. Teena Chinn, CA Choir Seniors
- Mrs. Jeanie Grimm, Board of Education President
Selections from Die Meistersinger……..R. Wagner
Combined Academy Bands and Orchestras
The two white roses on stage are in memory of Annalise Pelton and Morgan Scharr
Canandaigua Academy Class of 2022
1. International Baccalaureate Candidates |
2. National Honor Society |
3. National Technical Honor Society |
4. Business Honor Society |
5. Tri-M Music Honor Society |
6. Mastery in Mathematics |
7. Mastery in Science |
8. Career & Technical Endorsement |
9. Career Development & Occupational Studies Commencement Credential |
10. Three Year Graduate |
11. August 2021 Graduate |
12. January 2022 Graduate |
13. In Absentia |
14. Enlisted in U.S. Military |
15. Foreign Exchange Student |
Rachel | E. | Adams | 2, 7 |
Christine | Julia | Alexander | 2, 7 |
Angelina | Marie | Allen | |
Derek | Steven | Andrews | 2, 6, 7 |
Roxie | Christina | Appleton | 8, 9 |
Emma | L. | Arnaud | 7 |
Riley | James | Babcock | 8, 9 |
Jack | McCain | Bacon | 6, 7 |
Aaron | James | Bailey | |
Ashley | Kim | Bailey | |
Margaret | Kathryn | Bailey | |
Mya | Christine | Barnard | 3, 8, 9 |
Brooke | L. | Barnhart | |
Seth | Russell | Barone | 2, 6, 7 |
Jacob | J. | Beaudoin | 6, 7 |
Je'Onyee | Imani | Bellamy | |
Matthew | R. | Belles | 2 |
Samuel | J. | Bement | 6, 7 |
Micah | Elisha | Bennett | |
Matthew | Benjamin | Beyer | 6, 7 |
Tucker | C. | Bickel | 3, 7, 8, 9 |
Hayleigh | Anne | Birch | 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
Bryan | Mitchell | Boldrin | 2, 6, 7 |
Kyla | Lucille | Bollin | |
Mason | Bennett | Bolster | 2, 7 |
Samuel | Reagan | Boock | |
Alexa | Mae | Bounds | 6, 7, 10 |
Brooke | Ella | Bowman | 2, 6, 7 |
Daphnie | Elizabeth | Bradley | |
Evan | Michael | Brown | |
Alexis | Naome | Bryan | 3, 8, 9 |
Connor | Micheal | Bryan | 3, 6, 7, 9 |
Allyson | J. | Buch | 2, 6, 7 |
Jesse | Thomas | Buck | 7 |
Domenico | Antonio | Campagna | 3, 7, 9 |
Bryce | Andrew | Ceravolo | 6 |
Pitchayapa | Chantawan | 15 | |
Jack | Edward | Chapman | 2, 6, 7 |
Vincent | Chen | 1, 2, 6, 7 | |
Lynsie | Marina | Coccia | 2, 7 |
Alexander | T. | Colcord | 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
Yohan | S. | Coleman Lawrence | |
Ethan | Ryan | Colf | |
Brady | Joseph | Comella | 6 |
William | Lloyd | Connor | 11, 13 |
Rickeyssy | Contreras Rodriguez | 15 | |
Emily | Noelle | Cook | |
Lillian | Catherine | Cooke | 2, 6, 7 |
Dakota | L. | Coons | 8, 9 |
Jadyn | Rhae Sue | Corbin | 8, 9 |
Kassidy | Rae | Craft | |
Charles | F. | Craver | 3, 9 |
Brayden | Richard | Crouse | 7 |
Nathan | Dean | Daum | |
Dakota | R. | Davis | |
Kyle | M. | Davis | |
Lucas | James | Davis | 2, 6, 7 |
Anthony | John | DeBalso | |
Madelyn | Mae | DeBrock | |
Benjamin | Levi | Deibler | 5, 6, 7 |
James | V. | Delforte | 2 |
Madison | Norice | DePew | |
Genevieve | E. | DeVito | |
Mallory | Brooke | Dixon | 2, 6, 7 |
Lauren | Ann | Duggan | 2, 6, 7 |
Lillianna | Marie | Eid | 5 |
Mykenzi | Lyn-Marie | Ellis | 9, 13 |
Zachary | Alan | Enos | |
Tyler | Stefan | Everts | |
Kalob | Andrew | Ezzell | 6, 7, 14 |
Gordon | Emil | Fackelman | |
Randi | Gaige | Fenton | 6, 7 |
Nicholas | Matthew | Ferris | 6, 7 |
Jack | Ryan | Flansburg | 9 |
Liana | J. | Fogarty | 4 |
Nicholas | J. | Fordham | |
Rebecca | Leigh | Fox | |
Benjamin | Adam | Francis | |
McKayla | L. | Franklin | 3, 8, 9 |
Aidan | Ezra | Furmansky | 6 |
Blake | J. | Furnum | 7 |
Jenna | C. | Furnum | |
Joseph | Hunter | Gable | 6, 7 |
Destiny | J. | Garlock | 10 |
Camden | T. | Garman | 6, 7 |
Wilfred | Duhina | Gassmann | |
Ryan | Hunter | Gavette | |
Damean | Lawerence | Gayhart | |
Jordan | Tyler | Gayhart | 9 |
Olivia | Jean | Gibbs | 3, 8, 9 |
Maya | O'Hanlon | Gjonbalaj | 2, 6, 7 |
Xander | M. | Gleason | 2, 6, 7 |
Emma | Lynn | Godfrey | 5 |
Joshua | Ezekial | Graham | |
Jaxon | A. | Grant | |
Domonic | Alexander | Griffith | 9 |
Kathryn | L. | Groshner | 6, 7,13 |
Jaden | M. | Gross-Casson | |
Kirsten | Leigh | Gurger | |
Zachary | William | Hallett | 6, 7 |
KJ | Halpern | 2, 6 | |
Sydney | Marie | Hamman | 8, 9 |
Bridgette | K. | Hartnagel | |
Mollie | Jeanne | Haus | 10 |
Ryan | Patrick | Hayes | |
Ruby | Mae | Heagney | 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 |
Matilda | J. | Hendershot | 2 |
Alexander | Charles | Herington | 9, 11, 13 |
Abbey | Elizabeth | Herod | 2, 6, 7 |
Hristos | Georgeos | Hetelekides | 8, 9, 13 |
Alexzander | James | Hill | |
Erin | Eveningstar | Hill | |
Axtyn | Michael | Hoefen | 8, 9 |
Rachel | Lynne | Hogan | 2 |
Elijah | Ryan | Horst | 1, 6 |
Liam | Peter | Houle | 10 |
Lily | Paloma | Howard | |
Braylyn | H. | Hughes | |
Jeremiah | C. | Iheoma | |
Ozzy | Oliver | Ingram | 9 |
Austin | J. | Irwin | |
Blake | Thomas | Jackson | |
Devin | L. | Jackson | 3, 9 |
Benjamin | F. | Jacobs | 3, 9 |
Eric | Robert | Jacobs | |
Madeleine | Rose | Jensen | 2, 5 |
Jaclyn | Janine | Jorolemon | 2, 5, 7 |
Luis | James Fernando | Kennedy | 6, 7 |
Sophie | Gaetana | Kestler | |
Autumn | Elizabeth | Klass | 6, 7 |
Markus | J. | Lagoe | 6, 7, 11, 13 |
Emma | C. | Landrigan | |
Tess | Garigen | Levanway | 5, 7 |
Cameron | K. | Lofdahl | 5, 6, 7 |
Ethan | Kai | Longo | 7, 10, 13 |
Lily | Ann | LoTemple | 6, 7 |
Damyan | A. | Lovejoy | 3, 9 |
Andrew | Lucas | 11, 13 | |
Grace | Anne | Lucas | 7 |
Anya | Louise | MacKay | 6, 7 |
Kenyon | Parker | Mahoney | 6, 7 |
Gavin | A. | Malec | 6, 7 |
Chloe | Elizabeth | Mansfield | |
Gabrial | A. | Martin | 8, 9 |
Aidan | James | McCarthy | 6, 7 |
Emily | Shannon | McFarland | 1, 2, 7 |
Bryan | Patrick | McGuire | 2, 6, 7 |
Nicholas | Robert | McIntosh | 9 |
Katie | Michelle | McMillen | |
James | Daniel | McPartland | 2, 6, 7 |
Isabelle | S. | Mickelsen | |
Hope | L. | Militello-Grove | |
Jonathan | Hackman | Miller | 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 |
Samuel | Christopher | Miller | |
Ryan | Andrew | Mohammed | 2, 7 |
Danielle | Alexandrea | Moore | |
Elliott | Scott | Morgan | 6, 7 |
Isabel | Maria | Muench | |
Cody | Ray | Murphy | 11, 13 |
Delainey | Sage | Muscato | 2, 7 |
Emily | F. | Newton | 7 |
Rosemarie | Marguerite | Nicoletti | 2 |
Harold | Scott | Norris IV | 2, 6, 7 |
Eliza | D. | North | 2 |
Michaela | Ann | O'Brien | 2, 6, 7, 12 |
Daniel | Patrick | O'Hanlon | 6, 7 |
Julian | M. | Olivieri | 2, 6, 7 |
Samuel | Robert | Orcutt | 2, 6, 7 |
Callum | Augustin | Outhouse | |
Reagan | Campbell | Owens | 6, 7 |
Ethan | S. | Palmer | 2, 4, 7 |
Sofia | Andrea | Papas | |
Gianna | Elizabeth | Parmeter | 3, 9 |
Emily | A. | Pierce | |
Seth | O. | Pitkin | 7 |
Eric | Todd | Platten | 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 |
Jonathan | Patrick | Pool | 8, 9, 13 |
Brandon | Michael | Proper | |
Venus | Osiris | Ramos | 9 |
Rylan | W. | Rebmann | |
Destiny | R. | Reed | |
Spencer | Neil | Reinhart | 13 |
Ethan | B. | Rheude | 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 |
Allayna | Rose | Richmond | 6, 7 |
Alana | Riley-Nicosia | 8, 9 | |
Mya | Irene | Rogers | 2 |
Annika | S. | Roof | 6 |
Madison | Elizabeth | Rottingen | 2, 6, 7 |
Jensen | Frederick | Rudat | 8, 9 |
Audria | Rutkowski | ||
Naomi | Rutkowski | ||
Kaden | Griffin | Sanders | 7 |
Emma | Leigh | Santevecchi | 8, 9 |
Mariena | E. | Schneider | 2, 5, 6, 7 |
Katherine | Gloria | Scibelli | 2, 6, 7 |
Devon | J. | Secrest | 3, 8, 9 |
Eric | Shafer | 9, 13 | |
Abigail | Rose | Shaff | |
Zackery | Paul | Shea | 14 |
Michael | James | Shelhart | |
Isabella | Antionette-Grace | Shelters | 8, 9 |
Zackery | Martin | Shields | 9 |
Hunter | W. | Shuler | |
Emma | A. | Smith | |
Jayden | Daniel | Smith | 8, 9 |
Kaelyn | Marie | Smith | |
Molly | Noela | Snyder | 6, 7 |
Dylan | E. | Spencer | 6, 14 |
Olivia | I. | Spinelli | 2 |
Dominick | J. | Spychalski | 2, 7 |
London | George | Stanley | 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13 |
Gavin | Nathaniel | Stave | 3, 7, 8, 9 |
Brandon | Ray | Stein | 7, 9 |
Rebecca | Anne | Steinmetz | 13 |
Katherine | Ide | Stowell | 9, 13 |
Jessica | M. | Stratton | 6, 7 |
Maximilian | James | Sullivan-Ransom | 6, 7 |
Cole | M. | Sunderlin | 9 |
Stella | Marie | Szczepkowski | 2, 3, 7, 9 |
Olivia | Scott | Tanoory | |
Nathaniel | Scott Edward | Teerlinck | 2, 6, 7 |
Izaya | C. | Thompson | 8 |
Julia | Elizabeth | Tran | 6, 7 |
Ryan | Daniel | Trapp | 9 |
Taylor | Noleigh | Tripodi | 7 |
Benjamin | William | Turner | 11, 13 |
Gavin | Charles | Twamley | 3, 9 |
Nathan | A. | Ulrich | 6, 7 |
Austin | Gregory | VanValkenburg | 7 |
Sierra | Sky | Vasquez | 9 |
Benjamin | John | Villard | 9 |
Gabriel | Isaac | Vit | 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 |
Alexis | E. | Wagenbaugh | 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 |
Logan | Marie | Ware | 2, 6, 7 |
Chloe | Jane | Weber | |
Alana | Marie | Welch | |
Kianna | Marie | Wells | |
Alaina | Marie | Whyte | |
Olivia | A. | Williams | 6, 7 |
Riley | Patrick | Williams | |
Sarah | Anne | Windover | 1, 2, 7 |
Samantha | Merritt | Years | 3, 8, 9 |
Colin | Robert | Youngjohn |
Senior Awards
Amanda Ambrose Memorial Cheerleading Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Given in memory of Amanda Jo Ambrose, a Canandaigua cheerleader. On January 7, 1994, Amanda, 16, passed away from injuries sustained in a December 1993 car accident. She was a junior on the varsity cheerleading team. Amanda’s family and friends, along with the Canandaigua Cheerleading Booster Club, honor her love of cheerleading and team competition by awarding a scholarship to a senior Canandaigua varsity cheerleader who exemplify a positive attitude, team spirit and passion for cheerleading.
RECIPIENT: Jessica Stratton
American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship Marie Trumbull Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Awarded by the Canandaigua American Legion Auxiliary in memory of Marie Trumbull.
RECIPIENT: Eliza North
American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship Rose Comella Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Awarded by the Canandaigua American Legion Auxiliary in memory of Rose Comella.
RECIPIENT: Autumn Klass
American Legion James Knapp Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Granted to a senior who exemplifies the America heritage through use of knowledge of American history and citizenship.
RECIPIENT: Zachary Hallett
American Legion Scholarship in Memory of Sesto Vecchi - $1,000 Scholarship
Given to the son or daughter of an America Veteran. The recipient must have maintained an average of 85 or higher and have been accepted to an accredited college.
RECIPIENT: Jacob Beaudoin
American Legion Scholarship in Memory of G. Frederick Schutz - $1,000 Scholarship
Given to the son, daughter, or grandchild of a US Military Veteran who has actively volunteered in community service.
RECIPIENT: Samuel Orcutt
American Legion St. Pauly’s Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Awarded to a senior who has shown significant academic improvement while in high school, demonstrates good character and desires to attend college.
RECIPIENT: Gavin Malec
American Legion Trade School Scholarship - Four $500 Scholarships
Given to four students who will be attending a trade or vocational school, or will be enrolled in a vocational-based program at a two-year school.
RECIPIENTS: Eric Jacobs, Damyan Lovejoy, Hunter Shuler, Cole Sunderlin
American Red Cross Scholarship - $250 Scholarship
Given to a deserving student selected for his or her involvement in the CA Blood Drives.
RECIPIENT: Samuel Orcutt
Anita’s Hope Scholarship - $2,500 Scholarship
Given in the memory of Anita, who was a resident and a reading teacher in Canandaigua for more than 25 years.
Annalise Pelton Memorial Scholarship $1,000 Scholarship
Given to a student who is outgoing, friendly, compassionate, creative, has a positive attitude, and is community service minded.
RECIPIENT: Mallory Dixon
Arthur Westphal Scholarship $500 Scholarship
Awarded to a student active in his or her school and community.
RECIPIENT: Brady Comella
Athlete of the Year Female Award
Given to an outstanding senior girl who lettered in two or three sports and plans to further her education and shows true sportsmanship on and off the field.
RECIPIENT: Abbey Herod
Athlete of the Year – Male Award
Given to an outstanding senior boy who lettered in two or three sports and plans to further his education and shows true sportsmanship on and off the field.
RECIPIENT: Eric Platten
Barbara Meath Memorial Women’s Athletic Scholarship $500 Scholarship
Given to a female who participated on a Canandaigua Academy athletic team and has demonstrated extraordinary commitment, dedication, and a positive attitude.
RECIPIENT: Allayna Richmond
Betty LaBarge Athletic and Physical Education Scholarship $200 Scholarship
Awarded to a female who has lettered in two sports, has shown passion and leadership qualities in athletics or physical education, and is loyal to school and teammates.
RECIPIENT: Jaclyn Jorolemon
Bob Muehe Student/Athlete Scholarship $1,000 Scholarship
Given to a student whose enthusiasm, teamwork, and respect for the coaching staff helped create a positive sports experience at Canandaigua Academy.
RECIPIENT: Elliott Morgan
Bristol Mountain and the Hassell Family Ski Scholarship in Memory of Paul F. Hassell $1,000 Scholarship
Recipient exhibits a love of skiing, contributes to the community, exemplifies leadership, aggressive spirit and character, and is persistent at achieving his or her goals.
RECIPIENT: Ruby Heagney
Canandaigua Academy Perseverance Award $200 Award
Awarded to a senior who plans on attending college, has an 80% GPA or higher, and who has always worked as hard as they can, no matter what the situation is.
RECIPIENT: Audria Rutkowski
Canandaigua Federal Credit Union Scholarship Two $1,000 Scholarships
Given to two students who display character, involvement in community service, and extracurricular activities, as well as, excellent academic performance. The recipients must also be members of Canandaigua Federal Credit Union and be in good standing with the credit union, and be attending an accredited college/university in the 2022-2023 school year.
RECIPIENTS: Michael Shelhart, Lillian Cooke
Canandaigua Grange Scholarship $500 Scholarship
Given to a senior who is continuing her or his education in farming, agriculture, home and careers, or a similar profession.
RECIPIENTS: Sydney Hamman
Canandaigua Parent Teacher Student Association Scholarship - Two $500 Scholarships
Given to two seniors who have improved their academic standing during their years at the Academy and have performed community service.
RECIPIENTS: Gordon Fackelman, Chloe Weber
Canandaigua Police Benevolent Association Public Servant Scholarship- $500 Scholarship
Given to a deserving senior who demonstrates a positive attitude and gives of themself for the betterment of others and/or the school and community.
Canandaigua Teachers Association Scholarship - Five $500 Scholarships
Awarded by the Canandaigua Teachers Association to deserving seniors for further education.
RECIPIENTS: Lillian Cooke, Lucas Davis, Emma Godfrey, Gianna Parmeter, Eric Platten
Captain Wayne P. Bundy Memorial Scholarship - $200 Scholarship
Given in memory of Wayne Bundy, a graduate of Canandaigua Academy, by his family and friends.
RECIPIENT: Benjamin Deibler
Carol Reitschky Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Awarded to a student who is pursuing further education in environmental or agricultural science. Applicant must have attended FLTCC for agriculture, animal science, conservation/heavy equipment operation, or farm to table agriculture, and has demonstrated a love of the environment and hands-on science.
Chamber of Commerce - William J. Mitchell Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Awarded to a member of the senior class who has shown exceptional ability in the field of business subjects.
RECIPIENT: Eliza North
Charles P.A. Persons Memorial Award - $100 Award
Given by the family and friends of Mr. Persons based on scholastic achievement in social studies and government, and citizenship.
RECIPIENT: Jonathan Miller
Cheshire Community Action Team/Cheshire Quilters Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Awarded to a student for academic achievement, service to others, a sense of commitment as a citizen, and responsibility to family and community.
RECIPIENT: Ruby Heagney
Cheyenne Brant Memorial Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Given to a graduating senior who is planning to attend college to major in nursing or a human service related major. He or she is a caring, kind, and compassionate student who has a zest for life and cares about people, and exhibits a passion for helping others.
RECIPIENT: Lillianna Eid
Eileen Lehman Perseverance Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Presented to a student who has pushed him or herself through a difficult time.
RECIPIENT: Reagan Owens
Elks Scholarship Award Given by BPOE Lodge 1844 - $1,000 Scholarship
Granted to a senior who best exemplifies the qualities of good citizenship and scholarship for further education.
RECIPIENT: Rachel Hogan
Elks Scholarship Award – Ronald J. Schell Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Given to a student of solid academic and extracurricular accomplishment who will be pursuing higher education. Preference will be given to someone who has participated on a swim team.
RECIPIENT: Ethan Rheude
Erin Marie Masling Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Given to a student who faces the daily challenge of living with a chronic disease or condition.
RECIPIENT: Micah Bennett
Evan Crowther Memorial Music Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Given to a graduating senior who has a GPA of 80 or higher, is a music or band student, and will be pursuing music education or music production in college.
RECIPIENTS: Madeleine Jensen
Jack Coons Track and Cross-Country Booster Scholarship - Two $500 Scholarships
Given to two students who exhibits a good work ethic as well as commitment to their sport, school, and community through leadership, spirit, and character.
RECIPIENTS: Jacyln Jorolemon, Aidan McCarthy
Jacob Matthew Gray Memorial Scholarship for a Good Life - $1,000 Scholarship
Given to a student who is pursuing a college degree in the field of Mathematics, has a GPA of 80 or higher, is kind, creative, and compassionate, and has met with adversity or tragedy yet chose to continue to love life and never give up on his or her dreams.
RECIPIENT: Mason Bolster
Jake Herendeen Memorial Wrestlers Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Given in memory of Canandaigua Academy student, Jake Herendeen, to a deserving senior of the Canandaigua wrestling team.
RECIPIENT: Michael Shelhart
James R. McDonald Award - $500 Award
Given to a young man who performs to the best of his ability in the sport of track and field and in the classroom. Being respectful of coaches, teachers and peers, the recipient should be coachable, unselfish, honest, and provide leadership by example. He should have a sense of sportsmanship that truly embodies the spirit of competition in track and field. These were characteristics that were believed and practiced by the late Jim McDonald, Class of 1977.
RECIPIENT: Elijah Horst
Janice Bell Ski Team Scholarship - $1000 Scholarship
Given to a ski team member who excels among peers, displaying an exemplary level of commitment to self and the ski team.
RECIPIENT: Harold Norris IV
Jean and Don Burgan Award - Two $500 Awards
Given to two students who make the world a better place in a quiet yet positive way by always doing his or her best. This monetary gift has “no strings attached.”
RECIPIENTS: Mya Barnard, Jaxon Grant
John Thompson Scholarship - Three $500 Scholarships
Awarded by Mr. John Thompson to deserving seniors to further their education
RECIPIENTS: Tyler Everts, Gianna Parmeter, Julia Tran
Joseph “Edge” Eddinger Memorial Scholarship - Two $500 Scholarships
Awarded to two 2-sport athletes, one female and one male, who have helped others in the community.
RECIPIENTS: Eric Platten, Molly Snyder
Justin Vecchioli Technical Scholarship - $1,700 Scholarship
Given to a student pursuing a two- or four-year degree in a technical field, i.e., Mechanical Drawing, Drafting, Architecture, or Engineering, has maintained a least a 75% average, and who sets high standards for themself and strives to achieve them.
RECIPIENT: Kathryn Groshner
Karla Dekouski Moreau Memorial Award - $100 Award
Given to a graduating student who, despite extraordinary personal challenges, continually strives to reach admirable personal goals, while cheerfully reaching out to the needs of others.
RECIPIENT: Jadyn Corbin
Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship- $1,000 Scholarship
Granted to a senior, who has taken part in school and community affairs, to further his or her education and demonstrated need.
RECIPIENT: Mallory Dixon
Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship: Burrall Case Memorial - $1,000 Scholarship
Awarded to a senior who is a member of Key Club and has made a significant contribution to the school and to the community.
RECIPIENT: Grace Lucas
Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship: Denett Pimkowski Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Given to a graduating senior planning to attend Finger Lakes Community College.
RECIPIENT: Devin Jackson
Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship: Ralph Salato Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Given to a graduating senior planning to attend Finger Lakes Community College.
RECIPIENT: Nicholas Ferris
Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship: Richard Ogden Memorial - $1,000 Scholarship
Awarded to a senior who is a member of Key Club and has made a significant contribution to the school and to the community.
RECIPIENT: Delainey Muscato
Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship: “Robbie” Robertson Memorial - $1,000 Scholarship
Awarded to a senior who has made a significant contribution to the school and to the community.
RECIPIENT: Sarah Windover
Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship: Robert Wade Memorial - $1,000 Scholarship
Awarded to a senior pursuing a career in Journalism/Communications or who has made major contributions in the field of Journalism/Communications.
Lori Brizzee Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Given by Ontario ARC in memory of Lori Brizzee, who was an ARC employment specialist. This scholarship is given to a student furthering his or her education at Finger Lakes Community College, majoring in Human Services or a related field.
RECIPIENT: Destiny Garlock
Louis Shenkman Memorial Award - $125 Award
Given to a senior boy who has shown outstanding improvement in scholastic achievement and citizenship during his high school career.
RECIPIENT: Jeremiah Iheoma
Lynne H. Erdle Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Given in honor of Mrs. Erdle’s exemplary service. The scholarship is given to a student who has demonstrated pride in all they do, a commitment to excellence, and care and compassion for others.
RECIPIENT: Brooke Bowman
Margaret Kennedy White and Albert White Scholarship - Two $750 Scholarships
Given to two seniors who have demonstrated that they have given to others through community service or service-oriented activities.
RECIPIENTS: Vincent Chen, Rosemarie Nicoletti
Mark Bradley Memorial Orchestra Award - $300 Award
Awarded to a senior whose conduct and participation exemplifies compassion, positivity, and outstanding musicianship.
RECIPIENT: Gabriel Vit
Marshall Simonsen Memorial Award - $200 Scholarship
Given by the DeVinney family in memory of Marshall Simonsen to a senior who is being recognized for “above and beyond achievement” in Chorus.
RECIPIENT: Jenna Furnum
Martha Svirchev Canandaigua Varsity Memorial Hockey Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Given to a student who participated in the hockey program, is committed to community involvement, and exemplifies the spirit and work ethic shown by Martha Svirchev.
Martin Luther King Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Given to a student who makes a difference in the lives of others, demonstrates tolerance and respect for all peoples.
RECIPIENT: Derek Andrews
Mary S. Granger Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Presented to a senior pursuing higher education.
RECIPIENT: Emily McFarland
Matthew Langan Memorial Scholarship - $2,000 Scholarship
Given in memory of Matthew S. Langan to a deserving senior who is furthering his or her education.
RECIPIENT: Nathaniel Teerlinck
Mayor T. Hamilton Kennedy/Marion Dalton Kennedy Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Presented to a senior who demonstrates good fellowship towards other students, contribution to community service, and high ethical standards.
RECIPIENT: Stella Szczepkowski
Mike Pane Student Athlete Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Awarded to a senior who has been a high-achieving, dedicated student in the classroom with plans for further education. This student should be regarded by others as a good friend, citizen, and teammate. This award is given to a student athlete.
RECIPIENT: Mason Bolster
Ontario County Safety Council Award in Memory of Richard Ogden - $1,000 Scholarship
Given to a senior furthering his or her education in the field of public safety.
Patricia Greene Scholarship - Two $1,000 Scholarships
Given to one male and one female student who have shown improvement in the classroom during their high school career. These students have demonstrated a proven record of compassion for others and have volunteered to assist in special education settings or with an outside group of children or adults with special needs. These students are a member of an athletic team or music group and have excelled as a team player and leader of their respective team or group.
RECIPIENTS: Ethan Palmer, Olivia Spinelli
Paul A. Genecco Memorial Scholarship - $1,500 Scholarship
Awarded to a student pursuing a degree in Business, International Business, International Marketing, or pursuing a career in cancer research.
RECIPIENT: Harold Norris IV
Peter C. Nelson Music Award - $500 Award
Presented to a to a senior music student who demonstrates a passion for music and embodies a kind-hearted spirit.
RECIPIENT: Jacob Beaudoin
Raymond J. Russell Memorial Award - $300 Award
Awarded as an incentive scholarship to a student who has plans to further his or her music education in college.
RECIPIENT: Benjamin Deibler
Richard H. Bowen Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Given to a senior who has shown academic excellence in Economics, American History and Government.
RECIPIENT: Maya Gjonbalaj
Rotary Anne J. and Aldo F. Fioravanti Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Given by Canandaigua Rotary to a student who works to the best of his or her abilities, has a positive attitude, and is kind to others.
RECIPIENT: Jenna Furnum
Rotary Award in Memory of Leon R. Hill - $1,000 Scholarship
Awarded to a senior pursuing continuing education, or going into technical or vocational employment.
RECIPIENT: Cole Sunderlin
Rotary Four-Way Test Award- $1,000 Award
Given by Canandaigua Rotary Club to student who meets the criteria of the Rotary Club Four-Way Test.
RECIPIENT: Samuel Orcutt
Rotary Jeanne Shelanskey Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Given in memory of Jeanne Shelanskey by the Canandaigua Rotary Club to a graduating senior for further education in the field of Nursing or other related health career.
RECIPIENT: Ruby Heagney
Rotary Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Granted to a senior who exemplifies the spirit of service. This award is given in memory of those members of the Canandaigua Rotary who have passed away during the year.
RECIPIENT: Molly Snyder
Sarah Shenkman Memorial Award - $125 Award
Given to a senior girl who has shown outstanding qualities of leadership, is of unquestionably fine character, and has made a significant contribution to the life and welfare of the Academy.
RECIPIENT: Olivia Spinelli
Scott Gilbert Memorial Scholarship - $2,500 Scholarship
Given in memory of Scott Gilbert to a student pursuing education in counseling or education.
RECIPIENT: Mallory Dixon
Stephen G. Lyttle Memorial Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Given in memory of Stephen G. Lyttle to a student pursuing a position as a tradesman.
RECIPIENT: Cameron Lofdahl
Stephen J. Uebbing Leadership Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Given in honor of Dr. Uebbing’s service as Superintendent to a student who exhibits leadership, courage, respect, and integrity while demonstrating service above self.
Stiggins Family Scholarship - $1,000 Scholarship
Awarded to a graduating senior pursuing a career in teaching.
RECIPIENT: Madeleine Jensen
Student Technology Services Scholarship - Six Awards
This award is given to graduating seniors for their dedication to the Student Technology Services club. Each student is awarded $125 per year of participation in the club.
RECIPIENTS: Matthew Beyer, Brooke Bowman, Allyson Buch, Domonic Griffith, Jaclyn Jorolemon, Cameron Lofdahl, Katie McMillen
T. Harland Evans Award - Two $200 Scholarships
Given in memory of T. Harland Evans to a male and a female senior athlete who were in at least two sports, worked scholastically to the best of their ability, and displayed sportsmanship in athletics and daily relations with others, pride in the Academy, and excellence of character.
RECIPIENTS: Bryan Boldrin, Katherine Scibelli
Todd Feldman Memorial Scholarship - $1,500 Scholarship
Awarded to a graduating senior planning on attending college to major in English, History, or Psychology.
RECIPIENT: Madison Rottingen
Town of Canandaigua Republican Committee Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Given to a graduating senior who resides in the town of Canandaigua.
RECIPIENT: Jacob Beaudoin
W. Travis Nixon Carpe Diem Award - $500 Award
Awarded to a student who demonstrates a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to community service, is pursuing visual arts and believes that each moment is a gift.
RECIPIENT: Jessica Stratton
Wegmans Scholarship Program - Four Scholarships
Students employed part-time at Wegmans receive fifty percent of tuition with a maximum of $1,000 per semester, up to $2,000 per academic year. They can receive up to $8,000 for four academic years.
RECIPIENTS: Samuel Bement, Zachary Enos, Braylyn Hughes, Mya Rogers
William Boyle Award - Two 100 Awards
Presented by the Daily Messenger in memory of longtime Daily Messenger sports reporter, William Boyle.
RECIPIENTS: Maya Gjonbalaj, Dominick Spychalski
William F. Morris Memorial Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Given to a student in the top 25% of his or her class, who is active in community service organizations, is kind and helpful to fellow students, has made a positive impact while at the Academy, and is pursuing the field of pharmacy and/or business.
RECIPIENT: James McPartland
William G. Boyes “Father Music” Award - $500 Award
Awarded to a band student who demonstrates a passion for music, great integrity, and a desire to help and lead others.
RECIPIENT: Emma Godfrey
Yvonne Montana Schott Memorial Scholarship - $500 Scholarship
Awarded to a senior who has exhibited strength, grace, and courage while persevering through a difficult or life-changing situation.
RECIPIENT: Allyson Buch