canandaigua city school district

International Baccalaureate

david gioseffi

International Baccalaureate Coordinator

Mr. David Gioseffi

The International Baccalaureate Program has been a staple of the educational experience at Canandaigua Academy since 2005 and has graduated over 200 students with an IB Diploma. IB students have attended major colleges and universities all over the United States. Our current IB Diploma graduating class of 2023 have accepted admissions into undergraduate programs at Cornell, McGill University, the University of Rochester, Northeastern, and Case Western University, thus far.

When choosing the IB program, parents frequently ask three questions: What is the IB program? What is the difference between IB and AP classes? What are the benefits of an IB Diploma?

ib logo
What is the IB Program?

The IB Program is an internationally recognized liberal arts education with a focus on critical thinking and complex problem-solving skills. A full diploma candidate can expect to be in a learning community focusing on a world language (Spanish or French), mathematics approaches and analysis, English literature, History, and a science or visual arts course. With this in mind, IB teachers are also part of a team within the broader school community. As a team, teachers work in concert with students to encourage their overall success.

What is the difference between IB and AP classes?

This is the most frequently asked question by students and parents. To be clear, both AP and IB classes are the highest level of challenge for our students. Both offer the potential for college credit, are rigorous, and develop critical thinking skills. The overall difference of the IB Diploma is that it offers a learning community of students who are involved in a similar pursuit with their peers and teachers within Canandaigua Academy. This fosters relationships between the IB Coordinator, their teachers, and peers; therefore, creating a unique learning community. This becomes a pre-college experience with accessible educators who will guide students through the two-year challenges of the program. Also, this is a capstone program with an internationally recognized IB Diploma.

What are the benefits of an IB Diploma?

Often, acceptance rates at colleges and universities for full diploma students are higher than for non-diploma students. As a cost-effective program, many students who earn the IB Diploma arrive on college campuses having earned enough college credits as a second semester freshman or a first semester sophomore status. Additionally, full diploma students will develop essential time management and college ready skills throughout their two-year program. This leads to high retention rates at colleges and universities.

develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world

IB Course Listings

Please look in the following subject areas for specific course offerings.

Social Studies

    This is a sample schedule for juniors 2023-2024
    Full diploma Periods Junior Year Schedule - A Day Junior Year Schedule - B Day
      1 Late Arrival or Study Hall Physical Education
    Every Day Class 2 Exercise Science * Exercise Science
      3 Exercise Science Lab Theory of Knowledge **
      4 Study Hall or Elective Study Hall or Elective
    Every Day Class 5 Math Analysis and Approaches *** Math Analysis and Approaches
      6 Lunch Lunch
    Every Day Class 7 World Language (Spanish or French) ** World Language (Spanish or French)
    Double Period 8 English A ** History of the Americas **
    English/History 9 English A History of the Americas

    *This can be replaced with IB Physics or IB Visual Arts
    **2 year compulsory courses for the IB Diploma
    *** 1 year course