Business Education Lead Teacher
Mr. Steve Schlegel
Business classes are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world. Courses reflect the knowledge and skills that our students need for success in college and careers since they will be competing in the global economy. Our department goal is to prepare students for the challenges of college business curriculum, employment in business, and provide instruction which can be applied to personal use. We recognize the critical need for developing 21st century skills and that today’s students are digital learners. All of our classes incorporate the tools to enable them to become truly media literate as they function in an online collaborative, research-based environment – researching, analyzing, synthesizing, critiquing, evaluating and creating new knowledge! Some opportunities that are offered as extensions to the classroom include: working in the student store which includes marketing and management experience; Cooperative Work Study internships, membership in a new technology club (SWAT), W!SE Financial Literacy Certification, membership in Future Business Leaders of America; and Business Honor Society.
Middle School
Business Course Selections and Course Descriptions
High School
Business Course Selections and Course Descriptions
*College credit bearing courses
A 5-Unit bypass in Business courses can be used in lieu of a foreign language requirement for the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation.